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Natural Hazards Monitoring - 23 August 2021


Severe Weather


On 18 August, the Colombia Government of Cundinamarca reported severe weather in Guayabetal, Cundinamarca that affected at least 176 people from 68 families. Of the 68 families that were affected, 45 have been given food and supplies. In total 4 shelteres have been open where 64 people are sheltered. In total 6 homes are at risk and 1 home was destroyed. On 20 August, media reported more severe weather in Cundinamarca department that caused landslides, floods, and overflowing rivers affected 1,137 people. Landslides occurred in 10 municipalities: La Calera, El Colegio, Guayabetal, La Palma, Caqueza, Medina, Beltrán, Sesquile, Fosca and Chipaque, floods occurred in Guayabetal, Junín, Chipaque, Ubala, Une, La Palma and Quetame, and river overflows occurred in the municipalities of Quebrada Perdices, Rio Caqueza, Quebrada La Honda, Quebrada Pimporro, Rio Negro, Rio Gasamumo, Quebrada Puente Guara and Quebrada Cucuate. No fatalities were reported, however, 268 homes sustained damages, and 71 roads, 6 vehicular bridges, and 1 pedestrian bridge were affected. The report is available at: Government of Cundinamarca and El Nuevo Siglo.