Official Sources:
Severe Weather
On 25 June 2019, the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management of Colombia (UNGRD) reported that as of 25 June, 36% of the country’s municipalities have been affected in 2019 by torrential rains, with a total of 45,120 affected families (including 98 deaths) and damaging 20,000 homes, 491 roads, 43 bridges, and 18 hospitals. As of 28 June 2019, the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies of Colombia (IDEAM) maintains a red alert due to sudden rises of the Guatiquía and Guayuriba river basins in the region of Oronoquia, and of Rio Putumayo in the region of Amazonia. The reports are available in Spanish at: IDEAM Condiciones Hidrometeoroligas No. 0748 and Boletín Informativo No. 118.