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Colombia - Severe weather (UNGRD, WHO PAHO, media, IDEAM) (ECHO Daily Flash of 24 May 2022)

  • Heavy rainfall, strong winds and thunderstorms have been affecting most of Colombia since the beginning of the "first rainy season" (which lasts from mid-March to June), triggering landslides, causing rivers to overflow, floods and a number of severe weather-related incidents that have resulted in casualties and damage. The most affected areas include Cundinamarca, Norte de Santander and Antioquia Departments.
  • The National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD) and WHO PAHO report, as of 23 May, 59 fatalities, 16 missing people, 74 injured people, and around 25,000 affected families across 366 municipalities in 28 departments, mainly due to landslides and floods. In addition, the same sources report 277 destroyed houses, 12,750 damaged houses, and nearly 100 damaged bridges across the affected municipalities.
  • Over the next 24 hours, further heavy rainfall is forecast over most of the country, except for far northern and northeastern departments.