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Colombia - Severe weather (UNGRD, IDEAM) (ECHO daily Flash of 20 April 2022)

  • Since the 15 of March, landslides, floods, electrical storms and strong winds caused by the 2022 rainy season have been affecting Colombia.
  • According to the Colombian National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD), 28 people have died, one is missing and 45 individuals sustained injuries. There have been 276 severe weather-related events, affecting 5,177 families across 19 Departments of Colombia.
  • More than 100 houses have been destroyed and 2,000 others were damaged. Damage has been reported as well to 335 road sections, 38 bridges, and 17 educational institutions.
  • Red hydrological alerts have been issued for areas in western Colombia. On 20-21 April, moderate to heavy rainfall is forecast over most of Colombia.