Description of the Event
Approximate date of impact
According to the Colombian Geological Service (SGC), the alert level of the Puracé Volcano changed from Orange Level (II) to Yellow Level (I) on 5 July 2024. This represents that volcanic activity has decreased, but should be closely monitored to detect possible increases in activity. The Yellow Alert also represents significant changes in its activity above normal levels, where it is recommended by the SGC to implement preparedness actions.
Provide any updates in the situation since the field report and explain what is expected to happen.
The Colombian Geological Service reported the change of Purace Volcano Alert from Orange to Yellow on 5 July 2024, after identifying a gradual decrease in the seismicity inside the volcanic structure, as well as the stabilization of other monitoring parameters of the volcano's behavior. However, the Yellow alert status still indicates that the volcano presents changes in its behavior above a base level, where seismicity continues, but in smaller quantities, surface deformation continues to occur, without abrupt changes and fumaroles still remain on a downward trend, mentions the Colombian Geological Service. In addition, considering that the characteristics of an active volcano can increase its activity at any time and therefore the recommendation is to continue with the preparation processes with communities and authorities.
During the state of Yellow Alert it is possible that some phenomena may occur that can cause serious and even fatal damage to people, such as sporadic ash emissions (minor eruptions), fracture and fluid seismicity with moderate levels and episodes of occasional increases, small explosions in the crater, precipitation of elemental sulfur and hydrothermal mud in the near zones of the crater and hot springs, occurrence of minor lahars, among others. Therefore, the Colombian Geological Service emphasizes that a change in the alert level should not lead to complacency. Authorities and communities in the affected areas are expected to continue efforts in knowledge acquisition and preparedness.
The Colombian Geological Service issues weekly bulletins on the situation and status of the volcano. As of 5 July 2024, 6 bulletins have been issued since the change to Yellow alert. In case there are changes in the behavior of the volcano that merit a change in the alert status, an extraordinary bulletin will be issued.
According to the Colombian Geological Service, here is a summary of what is expected to happen:
Yellow level:
- Changes in the behavior of volcanic activity.
- Effects: There may be phenomena such as earthquake swarms, some of them noticeable; ash emissions; lahars; morphological changes; volcanic gas odors, among other, which may alter the quality of life in the area of volcanic influence.
Orange level:
- Possible eruption in days or weeks with a moderate or high degree of danger
- Possible eruptive event (s) of explosive or effusive character, coupled with volcanic activity phenomena on yellow alert.
- Effects: Nasal irritation and discharge, throat irritation, and burning, sometimes accompanied by dry cough or respiratory distress, eye or skin irritation, indirect effects such as increased likelihood of traffic accidents, contamination of water sources, and risk of roof subsidence.
Red level:
- Erupting volcano or eruptive process in progress whose climax can occur in a matter of hours.
- It is characterized by multi-causality.
- Associated with pyroclasts falls, lava flows, ballistic projectiles, torrential floods, landslides, lahars, and forest fires.
- Effects: Injuries; loss of life; loss of farm animals, wildlife, and livelihoods; loss of housing and community infrastructure; isolation of communities; loss of crops, harvests, and subsistence items for food security and income generation; water shortages; sanitation and hygiene systems affected; increase and proliferation of vectors; high risk due to chemical elements, as well as risks of accidents or incidents due to contamination by weapons (antipersonnel mines - APM, unexploded ordnance - UXO - and booby traps - ET); damage to infrastructure; the disappearance of people; and psychological impact on the region's inhabitants.
Map of areas affected by the emergency
The territories identified under the zone of influence of the Puracé volcano in the department of Cauca are: Puracé, Popayán, SotaráPaisbamba, Timbío, Rosas, El Tambo, La Sierra, Patía, Bolívar, Sucre, La Vega, Totoró; and in the department of Huila they are: San Agustín, Isnos, Saladoblanco and La Argentina. Thus, according to the Colombian Geological Service and Cauca branch, around 40,000 people live under the influence of the volcano and could be affected.
The Volcanic Hazard Map of Puracé Volcano (second version), is the graphic interpretation of the evaluation of the threat posed by this volcano, resulting from the study of past eruptive activity (geological and historical records).