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Colombia + 1 more

Colombia: Population Movement - Revised Emergency Appeal Revision 4 (MDRCO014)


This revised Emergency Appeal seeks a total of some 10 million Swiss francs, increased from 6,6 million Swiss francs, to enable the IFRC to support the Colombian Red Cross Society to deliver assistance and support through 6475,000 services to vulnerable migrants and host communities for 39 months, with a focus on the following areas of focus and strategies for implementation: Shelter; Livelihood and basic needs; Health; Water, sanitation and hygiene; Protection, Gender and Inclusion; Migration; Disaster Risk Reduction; Strengthening the National Society, Ensuring effective international disaster management, Influencing others as leading strategic partner and Ensuring a strong IFRC.

This revised Appeal results in a funding gap of 2.2 million Swiss francs based on an increased number of people to be assisted, an extended timeframe, an increase in activities with an enlarged geographic scope and a transition towards supporting the Colombian Red Cross with medium to long-term migration programming. The planned response reflects the current situation and information available at this time of the evolving operation and the COVID-19 context and will be adjusted based on further developments.

The operational strategy

Summary of the Red Cross response to date

The Colombian Red Cross Society (CRCS) has conducted actions to assist migrants since 2015, with the start of the population movement from Venezuela. To structure its more comprehensive humanitarian action, the CRCS created a 2018-2021 National Strategy for Attention to Migrants that focuses on humanitarian, rapid response and stabilization actions. This strategy is aligned with the Toluca Declaration and the IFRC’s Global Strategy for Migration 2018 to 2022. With the support of Movement partners and through CRCS branches, the National Society has extended its migration strategy to all strategic points where pendular, settling and transiting migrants are located. At all stages of their journeys, and irrespective of their legal status, the CRCS team is ready to respond to migrants’ needs, support the enhancement of their resilience, and assist them in advocating for their rights.

The CRCS intervention strategy aims to assist in a comprehensive manner through the provision of support and accompaniment for the stabilization of persons, communities and territories affected by the current migratory context. It seeks to provide humanitarian assistance and initial complementary support in a sustainable manner, in terms of opportunity, and relevance. It concurrently aims to contribute to the economic, social and cultural integration of the migrant population and to sustainable development.

During the first two years of this Emergency Appeal operation, the CRCS and IFRC worked together to establish strategically located attention points for people on the move, seeking to combine health services to the target populations with actions in the areas of shelter; livelihoods and basic needs; water, sanitation and hygiene promotion; and protection, gender and inclusion (PGI). By the end of July 2020, 470,482 services in all areas of focus were provided through the financing of this appeal.