Main events in 2009 per month
- January: Flood Response Plan mobilised US$ 3.1 million from CERF. Nearly 1.6 million affected in 2008 (46% more than 2007). Avalanche of the Nevado del Huila volcano affects indigenous com-munity in Paez, floods threaten Tumaco (Nariño) and Riosucio (Chocó)
- February: Awá massacre (17 dead) perpetrated by FARC | 1,500 IDPs in Nariño, 1,128 in Cauca (López de M.), 550 in Chocó (Alto Baudó) | Sudden flood in Tumaco affects 31,320 persons settled in high-risk areas
- March: Access jeopardised by illegal armed strikes in Arauca, Cauca, N. Santander and Casanare | Awa "minga" starts with difficulties; 1,300 Awa are confined, several minga participants sick (1,000) | Displacements in A. Baudó (Chocó), El Charco (Nariño), Tarazá (Antioquia) | Floods in-crease, 62,894 affected in Tumaco
- April: ICRC's 2008 report of activities and Codhes' 2008 Annual Report on Forced Displacement indicate an increase of forced displacement in 2008 by 24% | Continued displacements and threats affect indigenous communities in Chocó and Cauca | Violent aftermath of the FARC's illegal armed strike in Arauca | 137,000 affected by severe flooding during the first quarter of 2009
- May: Indigenous IDPs in Chocó return| Arauca under armed pressure, displacements and block-ades | Displacement in Bolivar | Attack against medical mission in N. de Santander | Food inse-curity and aerial fumigation affect communities in Cauca, Antioquia and Nariño
- June: Increasing displacement in Nariño | New displacements in Antioquia | At-risk communities in Arauca and Meta due to illegal armed strike and potential impediments to humanitarian access
- July: Displacements and forced recruitment in Córdoba | Continued threats against indigenous population in Nariño, Cesar and N. de Santander | Displacements in Antioquia department | At- risk afro-Colombian communities in Chocó | IDPs in Bogotá come to terms with the government
- August: 2nd massacre against the Awa leaves 12 victims, 7 of them children | Displacements in-crease in Nariño (700 IDPs per month), mostly from El Charco and Mag=FCí Payán | Landslide in Chocó killed 6 persons, combats keep rising | Indigenous and peasant communities at-risk in An-tioquia due to clashes between emerging armed groups
- September: Displacements rise in Nariño (1,200 in 2009) | Displacement and at-risk indigenous communities in Cauca department | Third indigenous displacement in Chocó department in 2009 | Displacement in Córdoba
- October: Displacements recorded in Nariño, Cordoba and Huila Departments | Worsened security conditions increased the risks for rural communities in Cauca | Increased violence against civil-ians in Santander and Arauca. The Galeras Volcano is on red alert
- November: Second Review Conference on the Ottawa Conventions in Cartagena | Displacement in Colombia discussed at the Inter American Human Rights Commission Summit | Displacement and attacks against civilians affect communities in the Pacific Coast | Eruption of the Galeras Vol-cano and flooding of the Guapi River (Cauca
- December: Displacements registered in Antioquia, Chocó and Cauca departments | Nearly 11,000 persons affected by floods in Antioquia and Nariño Departments | Emergency Response Fund project for $214,000 approved for the Pacific Coast | International Earthquake Simulation awarded by the district authorities | Governor of Caquetá department kidnapped and killed by the FARC
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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