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Colombia: OCHA Weekly Humanitarian Report No. 48.49, 30 Nov - 13 Dec 2009


Displacements in Antioquia, Chocó and Cauca Departments

Nearly 700 persons have been displaced during the last two weeks in four municipalities

Displacements continue to rise in the west of the Country due to the continued presence of illegal armed groups and the consequent increase in armed confrontations and pressure on civilians.

Two displacements were reported in Antioquia department, in the municipalities of Cáceres and Ituango, located in the north of the Department. On 1 December, 78 families (350 persons) were displaced from the village of Cochos (Cáceres Municipality) to the urban center of the neighboring Municipality of Tarazá. According to local authorities, on 27 November an illegal armed group ordered mine workers to leave the area within two days. As a consequence, the community decided to flee. The Mayor's Office has provided assistance for only two days due to lack of funding. ICRC is providing humanitarian assistance. The security situation is of concern. On 10 December, 234 persons from rural Ituango (village of Santa Lucía) were also threatened and displaced towards the urban area. IDPs were assisted by the Municipality. On 13 December, when the Army agreed on providing security and protection, the whole community returned to their homes. However, further displacements are likely to occur in the region, due to the ongoing military operations against illegal armed groups.

During the first week of December, 21 afro-Colombian families (80 persons) were displaced in the rural area of Litoral del San Juan (Venado village) towards neighboring villages in the Municipality of Bajo Baudó in Chocó department. Allegedly, an illegal armed group kidnapped two members of the community, one of whom remains missing. Representatives of the Municipality of Bajo Baudó the Ombudsman's Office and Acción Social conducted a needs assessment. However, due to security conditions, the mission only was able to access one of the villages. So far, IDPs are staying with relatives and have been assisted by Acción Social.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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