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Colombia: OCHA Humanitarian Situation Report No. 34, 18 - 24 Oct 2008


Humanitarian situation

(18-10-08) Indigenous mass-displacement in Meta

More than 200 people displaced from the indigenous reservation of Caño Jabón to Puerto Elvira in Mapiripán, Meta

Clashes between the Army and FARC triggered the displacement of this group. Already, 165 Guayabero indigenous had arrived in Puerto Elvira in the last month fleeing combats, and another 22 people from the reservation Barranco Ceiba had abandoned their territory due to landmines planted by the guerrilla in close proximity of their communities.

The municipal authorities have organised an extraordinary meeting with the local and the national government to coordinate the attention to this population. Acción Social is assisting the displacement and is deploying a mission to provide emergency humanitarian attention.

(17-10-08) Mass-displacement in Nariño

17 displaced families in Gorgona 1, jurisdiction of the municipality Roberto Payán due to ongoing combats

Between 17 and 21 October, 17 families (nearly 68 people) arrived in Roberto Payán. The displacement is owed to combats between the Marine Infantry and members of the FARC operating in that part of the department.

While more families are expected to keep arriving, the Ombudsman's Office has not issued a full report on the people at risk.

These families remain at medical facility and their main needs are habitat kits, and basic sanitation adjustments for the shelter. MSF Spain delivered food kits for 15 days and the local school's principal gave access to education to all children in school age.


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