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Colombia: Humanitarian Bulletin Issue 27 | 1 – 31 May 2014



  • Indigenous groups increasingly affected by armed violence, displacement and confinement.

  • Mass protests in May led to mobility restrictions and humanitarian access constraints.

  • May has been the month with the highest number of people affected by natural disasters.


No of IDPs in mass events Jan – May 2014 (OCHA) 9,169
No of IDPs in mass events May 2014 (OCHA) 2,055
No of people affected by natural disasters Jan- May 2014 (UNGRD) 104,417
No of people affected by natural disasters May 2014 (UNGRD) 38,416


US $29,111,309 2014 total humanitarian funding received as of 13 June 2014 (FTS)

US$62,004,091 2014 humanitarian funding being implemented as of 13 June 2014 (OCHA 4W)


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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