GLIDE n° FL-2010-000076-COL
13 October 2010
Period covered by this update: 17 August to 17 September 2010.
62,288 Swiss Francs (64,807 US dollars or 50,428 euro) have been allocated from the IFRC's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to support the Colombian Red Cross Society (CRCS) in delivering immediate assistance to some 2,500 beneficiaries (500 families) within its unified Plan of Action. Un-earmarked funds to repay DREF are encouraged.
Summary: The worsening of the rainy season - aggravated by the phenomenon of "La Niña" - has caused flooding, affecting 739,816 people in the La Mojana zone of Colombia. The flooding destroyed and damaged roads, houses and crops. The DREF funding is assisting the CRCS to cover a gap in an extensive on-going emergency response operation, enabling the CRCS to continue its emergency response efforts. Thus, funds have been allocated to support the purchase and distribution of food and non-food relief items and logistic support for the water and sanitation activities. The DREF operation also aims to increase community response capacity through the provision of awareness-raising brochures to families living in high-risk areas as well as equipment to the participating branches of the Colombian Red Cross Society in order to distribute relief items effectively.
This operation is expected to be implemented over three months, and will therefore be completed by 13
November 2010; a Final Report will be made available three months after the end of the operation (by 13 February 2011).
The major donors to the DREF are the Irish, Italian, Netherlands and Norwegian governments and ECHO. Details of all donors can be found on: