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Xinjiang quake caused 268 killed with 100,000 homeless - Chinese Red Cross donated RMB 9 million in response

Xinjiang Earthquake 2003 Information Bulletin 2
The Hong Kong Red Cross is not seeking any funding from donors for this operation at this time but this may change according to circumstances.

The Latest Disaster Situation After the strong earthquake on Richter scale 6.8 struck the western part of Xinjiang region on 24 February, disaster figures has been confirmed with 268 killed and 100,000 homeless. Large quantity of warm clothing, quilts and food had reached the areas. However, lack of shelters making victims still suffering from cold weather where temperatures regularly plunge below freezing.

The Red Cross Actions Noting the tremendous needs of the victims, the Xinjiang Red Cross has already distributed 2000 warm clothing donated by the Hong Kong Red Cross and 1000 quilt to help the victims at the critical moment. The Red Cross Society of China (RCSC) also raised donation in-cash and in-kind with a total of RMB 9 million, which is now delivering to the earthquake victims in Xinjiang. Such donation, including quilts, cotton tents, warm clothing and medicine, is expected to have significant impact in relieving victims' immediate needs.

Local fund-raising and further relief assistance will be continued by various branches of the RCSC, including the Xinjiang Red Cross. Besides focusing on the outstanding emergency needs, as massive public facilities were seriously damaged, the needs of rehabilitation of clinics and village housing will also be followed-up by the Red Cross Society of China, which will then be considered by Hong Kong Red Cross where required.

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