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China + 4 more

WFP China Country Brief, March 2020



WFP provided extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) equipment and non-invasive ventilators (NIV) for treating critically-ill patients, in support of the Chinese Government’s efforts to treat COVID-19. Fifty NIVs and an ECMO equipment were handed over to Hubei Charity Federation and distributed to China’s frontline hospitals in 13 counties of Hubei Province.

As a follow up to the ED COVID-19 request letter for funding support from the Government of China, WFP has reached out to both the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the China International Development Cooperation Agency regarding the COVID-19 funding needs.

Updates • WFP is responding to requests for logistics support from the China International Centre for Economic and Technical Exchanges (CICETE) and the China National Health Commissions (NHC) to assist in the onward transport of personal protection equipment (PPE) to several African countries.

• WFP China is supporting Djibouti and Sierra Leone in requesting new funding proposals from the contribution of China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA). WFP is also working with CIDCA and CICETE on some cases where receiving Country Offices seek to use existing funding for new needs caused by the COVID-19 crisis.

• WFP is providing backstopping logistics and supply chain management support in local handling and onward shipment of the PPE donation from the Jack Ma Foundation and Alibaba Foundation to 54 recipient countries in Africa in support of COVID-19 response.

• WFP is working on the establishment of an International Humanitarian Staging Hub in China;
Alibaba, JD, SF, Sinotrans and other logistics enterprises are attending the bidding process.

• WFP China is seeking opportunities to raise funds or in-kind donation for the response of COVID-19 crisis. Discussions are ongoing with more than 5 companies/ organizations who are showing their willingness to provide in-kind donation to WFP.

• WFP met with Ernst & Young which provides Huawei with consulting services on CSR strategy. This is an opportunity to help Huawei better understand WFP’s work and feed into Huawei’s CSR strategy. Huawei's TECH4ALL team expressed their interests in helping WFP’s projects through its technology, and also discussed how Huawei can help cope with COVID-19 crisis through WFP’s global humanitarian system.

• WFP China has expanded the Tencent fundraising page from Cambodia to both Cambodia and Laos.
This is under the review of the Tencent charity team and China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation and will be officially launched in April.

• On 24 March and 26 March respectively, two Baseline Debriefing Workshops were organized by WFP China to share findings of two Baseline Studies, one on the Smallholder Farmers Growing Zincenriched Potatoes Project in Gansu, and the other on the Preschool Nutrition Improvement Pilot Project in Guangxi. Project management authorities, implementing partners and external expert groups from the two projects were brought together online to review the process of the baseline survey, to comment on the methodologies and triangulation, to share views and suggestions on the report as well as propose recommendations for the follow-up project activities.
The two baseline reports will be further refined and validated by the survey teams and shared with concerned stakeholders in due course.