President Xi Jinping has underlined the need for greater awareness of the risks posed to the country's food security and called for resolution efforts to promote thrift and combat the wasting of food.
While noting that food waste is a distressing phenomenon, Xi urged the nation to always be aware of the risks to food security despite the consecutive years of bumper grain harvests. He said the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic has called the alarm for food insecurity.
From 3 to 6 August, WFP China arranged a donor visit for representatives of Teck Resource Limited (Teck) who provided financial support to WFP’s Gansu Zinc-enriched Potato Project.
During the visit, Mr. Ralph Lutes, Executive Director & General Manager of Teck Resources Limited China met implementing partners at the provincial and county levels and discussed progress and milestones since the project’s launch in October 2019. The donor visited the potato fields to observe the zinc-rich potato production and spoke to beneficiary smallholder farmers about their livelihood conditions. The visit helped Teck to understand the value chain of the potato industry by visiting a local potato processing company. Teck was impressed by the comprehensiveness of the project design, the commitment of local implementing partners and the progress achieved so far.
On 6, 12, and 19 August, a webinar was held on Post-Harvest Loss Management jointly organized by WFP China Centre of Excellence (WFP China CoE), Regional Centre of Excellence against Hunger and Malnutrition (CERFAM), and WFP PRO-Food Systems and Smallholders Support. The webinar was supported by United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation in China, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People’s Republic of China and National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration of the People’s Republic of China (NAFRA). The dialogue focused on topics such as experience in policy supporting system on grain reserve management and storage management to help countries mitigate the impact of COVID-19, and to share innovative adoptions and ICT-approaches for market access to reduce post-harvest losses. Nine experts from African Union, CIRAD, ECOWAS, NAFRA, African Development Bank, CILSS, etc, shared their insights into the topics. The event attracted 499 participants from 68 countries.
With the agreement between WFP and Kuaishou under processing by legal office, WFP China has been actively preparing for the World Food Day’s advocacy events together with Kuaishou, focusing on the theme of ‘stop the waste’, to raise awareness of hunger, as well as to raise funds for WFP school meals programmes.