On Monday 24th February an earthquake struck
in the Xinjiang region, North West China. More than 500,000 lives have
been affected and the continuing aftershocks of more than 3,000, some reaching
5.8 on the Richter scale, are making reconstruction an extremely hazardous
After speaking with the Red Cross in
China we have established that the greatest needs are the rebuilding of
houses and schools. 80,000 homes and 117 schools that provide education
for 20,000 students in the regions have been destroyed. For the 500,000
who have lost homes it is imperative that the rebuilding work is completed
as soon as possible.
The area where the disaster has occurred is a barren region and the necessary resources are located a considerable distance away. The Chinese Red Cross, are looking at building the necessary storage facilities in the various regions to cope with this problem.
If you would like to give a donation to this work, mark your gifts: China #85092270