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Humanitarian Aid for the victims of the 2004 floods in Chongqing, Hunan and Guangxi provinces

Amount of decision: 1,999,565 €

Decision reference number: ECHO/CHN/BUD/2004/01000

Explanatory Memorandum

1 - Rationale, needs and target population:

1.1. - Rationale:

Since May 2004 Southern China has been repeatedly affected by floods, flash floods and resultant landslides. 14 million people have been affected and 95,000 homes destroyed.

Chongqing was one of the first areas to be heavily affected by floods. In May, 42,000 people were homeless in Chongqing following intense rains which pounded the area during the period 26-30 May and destroyed some 10,000 homes throughout 319 towns.

In June and July 2004 Guangxi Autonomous Region experienced serious flooding that affected at least 3.69 million people, with 76 people losing their lives. 57,000 rooms were destroyed with 398,380 tons of crops lost with a direct economic loss of 2.95 billion RMB (€290 million). At the same time Hunan also experienced significant flooding and landslides, with those affecting the north-west of the province reported to be the worst on record. 1.18 million people were affected, with 136,200 being evacuated and 26 people losing their lives. The direct economic loss is estimated at 3.75 billion RMB (€370 million).

Between 3-6 September flooding forced the evacuation of 82,000 people in 18 counties in Chongqing province, where 4,200 houses collapsed and 56,000 homes sustained varying degrees of damage.

As a consequence of these massive disasters, the results of which the Chinese authorities are unable to cope with, the Red Cross Society of China (RCSC) launched in August a national appeal to provide emergency relief assistance to flood victims in the three provinces of Chongqing, Hunan and Guangxi.