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China Wind Storm and Hail 2013: Work Report (1)


Since 19 March, many provinces in southern China have been affected by severe weather, such as thunder storms, wind storms and hails. More than 2 million people were affected, and many houses were collapsed or damaged. Over 200,000 affected people were evacuated or in need of emergency assistance. The direct economic loss is more than RMB1.33 billion. The worst hit provinces are Hunan, Fujian, Jiangxi, and Guizhou.

According to the report by Ministry of Civil Affairs of Hunan Province, the wind storms and hails have affected at least 1.11 million people in 47 counties of 7 prefectures, including Yongzhou, Huaihua, Yueyang, Zhuzhou, Hengyang and Shaoyang. 3 people were killed, and 74,000 people were evacuated or in need of emergency assistance. 1,900 houses were collapsed, with another 100,000 damaged. 92,300 hectares of crops were damaged. A total of over RMD900 million direct economic loss was recorded.

Red Cross Society of China's Action

The Hunan Red Cross has urgently deployed staff to the affected areas to conduct needs assessment and has started relief activities.

Hong Kong Red Cross's Action

In response to the situation, the HKRC has mobilized 1,314 family kits, with a total value of RMB339,000, to the worst hit areas through Hunan Red Cross. Each kit contains daily necessities, including towel blanket, towel, clothes, mosquito net, slippers, bucket and dining utensils. It is estimated that about 4,000 affected people will be benefited.

The HKRC is closely monitoring the situation in order to plan for further relief actions. No appeal has been launched for this operation at this moment.

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