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China: Sichuan Earthquake (MDRCN003), Operations Update no. 30


GLIDE n° EQ-2008-000062-CHN

Period covered by this update:

October- 31 December 2010

Appeal target (current): CHF 152.86 million

Appeal coverage: With contributions received to date, in cash and kind, the appeal is currently approximately 100 per cent covered.

Appeal history:

• A revised emergency appeal was launched on 22 September 2010 for CHF 152.86 million (USD 151.4 million or EUR 119.2 million) to assist 200,000 families (up to 1,000,000 people) for 44 months.

• A revised emergency appeal was launched on 20 November 2008 for 167.1 million (USD 137.7 million or EUR 110 million) to assist 200,000 families (up to 1,000,000 people) for 31 months.

• An emergency appeal was launched on 30 May 2008 for CHF 96.7 million (USD 92.7 million or EUR 59.5 million) in response to the huge humanitarian needs and in recognition of the unique position of the Red Cross Society of China (RCSC) supported by Red Cross Red Crescent partners to deliver high quality disaster response and recovery programmes.

• A preliminary emergency appeal of CHF 20.1 million (USD 19.3 million and EUR 12.4 million) was issued on 15 May 2008 to support the RCSC to assist around 100,000 people affected by the earthquake for 12 months.

• CHF 250,000 (USD 240,223 or EUR 155,160) was allocated from the IFRC's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) on 12 May 2008, to support the RCSC to immediately start assessments of the affected areas and distribute relief items.