GLIDE n° EQ-2008-000062-CHN
Period covered by this update: 13 June - 30 July 2009
Appeal target (current): CHF 167,102,368 (USD 137.7 million or EUR 110 million)
Appeal coverage: With contributions received to date, in cash and kind, and those in the pipeline, the appeal is currently approximately 92 per cent covered.
Appeal history:
- A revised emergency appeal was launched on 20 November 2008 for 167.1 million (USD 137.7 million or EUR 110 million) to assist 200,000 families (up to 1,000,000 people) for 31 months.
- An emergency appeal was launched on 30 May 2008 for CHF 96.7 million (USD 92.7 million or EUR 59.5 million) in response to the huge humanitarian needs and in recognition of the unique position of the Red Cross Society of China (RCSC) supported by Red Cross Red Crescent partners to deliver high quality disaster response and recovery programmes.
- A preliminary emergency appeal of CHF 20.1 million (USD 19.3 million and EUR 12.4 million) was issued on 15 May 2008 to support the RCSC to assist around 100,000 people affected by the earthquake for 12 months.
- CHF 250,000 (USD 240,223 or EUR 155,160) was allocated from the International Federation's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) on 12 May 2008, to support the RCSC to immediately start assessments of the affected areas and distribute relief items.
Summary: The International Federation's shelter support programme has made substantial progress since the signing of the addendum to the memorandum of understanding on 13 May. As reported in the last operations update, beneficiary lists in three townships were verified in early June and technical monitoring was due to begin in July. The first tranche of International Federation funds were transferred to the Deyang branch of the RCSC. However, new developments at ground level have impeded further efforts to move forward. All relevant partners are in discussion to move forward in this area and a revised appeal will be launched in the coming months to take in these changes.
Apart from delays in the shelter support programme, all community-based programmes are progressing. A community-based health and first aid workshop was held in Chengdu while project proposals for water and sanitation are being evaluated.
Many partner national societies have made contributions to the appeal: American Red Cross/American government, Australian Red Cross/Australian government, Belgian Red Cross/Belgian government, British Red Cross, Bulgarian Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross/Canadian government, Cook Islands Red Cross, Croatian Red Cross, Czech Red Cross, Danish Red Cross/Danish government, Estonian Red Cross, Finnish Red Cross/Finnish government, French Red Cross, German Red Cross, Icelandic Red Cross/ Icelandic government, Indian Red Cross, Iranian Red Crescent, Irish Red Cross/ Irish government, Japanese Red Cross/Japanese government, Lithuanian Red Cross, Malaysian Red Crescent, Mauritius Red Cross, Monaco Red Cross, Netherlands Red Cross/Netherlands government, New Zealand Red Cross/New Zealand government, Norwegian Red Cross/Norwegian government, Qatar Red Crescent, Romanian Red Cross, Singapore Red Cross, Spanish Red Cross, Sri Lanka Red Cross, Swedish Red Cross/ Swedish government, Turkish Red Crescent and United Arab Emirates Red Crescent Society, as well as contributions from American, Greek, Italian, Luxembourg, Slovenian and South Africa governments, OPEC Fund for International Development, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation and many corporate partners.
The Red Cross Society of China has also received many bilateral contributions of funding, including the following: Canadian Red Cross, Cambodian Red Cross, French Red Cross, German Red Cross, Japanese Red Cross, Republic of Korea Red Cross, Norwegian Red Cross, Pakistan Red Crescent, Singapore Red Cross, Spanish Red Cross, Swiss Red Cross, Thai Red Cross, Turkish Red Crescent and Viet Nam Red Cross. These contributions have been added to the various substantial resources raised domestically by the Red Cross Society of China in its national fundraising appeal.
The appeal totalling 167.1 million is 92 per cent covered, with cash and in-kind contributions totalling CHF 153.57 million received. Total expenditure from May 2008 until the end of July 2009 is CHF 77.45 million1.
The International Federation, on behalf of the Red Cross Society of China, would like to thank all partners for their generous response to this appeal.