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China Earthquake Appeal No. 02/2000 Final Report


This Final Report is intended for reporting on emergency appeals
Appeal No. 02/2000; Launched on:26 January 2000 for three months for CHF 2,798,000 to assist 80,000 beneficiaries.
The budget was revised to CHF 2,489,750 to assist 50,000 beneficiaries.


Appeal coverage: 20.9%
The Situation: During the first months of the operation, a total of 21,625 beneficiaries living in tents or other temporary accommodation received Federation assistance and the emergency phase was over by the beginning of the summer 2000. After that the main priority became the reconstruction of homes, schools and other buildings.

In conjunction with the Red Cross Society of China (RCSC), the International Federation launched an emergency appeal on 26 January 2000, requesting funds to provide food assistance to 50,000 beneficiaries over a three months period and to provide 40,000 quilts (each being adequate for two people) and warm clothing for 40,000 beneficiaries

The original appeal sought CHF 2,798,000 in cash and services to assist 80,000 beneficiaries. The final version sought CHF 2,489,750 for 50,000 beneficiaries.

As with previous joint Federation/RCSC emergency programmes, the Federation/RCSC divided the operation into phases and plans of action according to the funding available and the immediate relief needs. The total amount and final coverage as described in the operation's two plans of action (PoA), PoA 1 and PoA 2 is CHF 714,466. (See PoA 1 and PoA 2 documents).

The provinces involved in this operation used the series of 12 monitoring and reporting forms developed by the Federation/RCSC for previous relief operations to track, monitor and report on the transfer of funds and relief supplies from RCSC headquarters through the RCSC structure to the beneficiaries.

During the Earthquake operation there were four Federation delegates in country: One Acting Country Representative, one Reporting/Finance Delegate, one Field Delegate and one Finance/Development Delegate. The team worked with the RCSC on the implementation and monitoring of the programme.

Objective 1

To provide 50,000 people with a complementary food ( wheat flour or rice) ration equivalent to 1,660 Kcal per day for 90 days (45kg per person for 90 days equal to 500 grams per day). PoA 2 involved 149 MT of rice distributed in Yunnan, to approximately 3,311 recipients, and 92 MT of wheat flour, distributed in Shanxi to approximately 2,044 recipients (See situation report no. 2, at This takes the number of food aid recipients to 5,355, which makes 10.7 % coverage of objective 1.

The combined value of the rice and wheat flour, including transport and exchange rate adjustments, was CHF 138,084.


The provision of food was identified as a priority, particularly by the Provincial Branches in Shanxi and Yunnan provinces, as many subsistence farmers have been affected by droughts and floods which preceded the earthquakes, and money which would otherwise have been spent on seeds and fertiliser has been used to provide for basic needs as a result of the disaster. With regard to objective 1 the relief operation covered only 10.7 % of the needs identified in the appeal.


Due to limited funding it was not possible to meet the targets set by the appeal.

Objective 2

To provide quilts to 40,000 victims. PoA 1 distributions involved 11,191 quilts which were distributed to all three provinces PoA 2 included 8,082 quilts distributed to the two prefectures of Yunnan and Liaoning (see situation report no. 2.). A total of 19,273 quilts were distributed to 26,213 recipients, which is 66% coverage of objective 2.

The total value of the quilts distributed through PoA 1 and 2 was CHF 251,442.


The distribution of relief materials such as quilts and clothing were particularly important in the immediate aftermath of the disaster. As the earthquakes occurred during the winter, homeless disaster victims were exposed to very low temperatures, making the need for proper clothing and quilts greater. Particularly poor families were in urgent need of warm clothes and quilts.


The objective of providing 40,000 victims with quilts was 66% covered.

Objective 3

To provide warm clothing for 40,000 people. PoA 1 distributions involved 10,434 winter coats which were distributed in all three provinces (see situation report no. 2.) PoA 2 included 9,343 winter coats which were distributed in Yunnan and Liaoning. The total number of recipients was 17,136 which is 49% coverage of objective 3.

The total value of the clothes distributed through PoA 1 and 2 was CHF 270,000.


Almost half of the number of people targeted with clothing support received winter coats. The warm clothing was particularly important in the immediate aftermath of the disaster.


As the appeal was only partly covered objective 3 was not fully met.

Last Objective - Coordination

The Federation promotes coordination with other organisations in order to maximise the impact of the total relief assistance available.

Targeting of Red Cross beneficiaries has been carried out by the local Red Cross branches in conjunction with the Provincial Branches and in close co-operation with the Ministry of Civil Affairs and special groups set up to ensure that there was no duplication of relief assistance and that the needs of the most affected people are met.

Outstanding needs

When the emergency phase of the operation was over in Yunnan, Liaoning and Shanxi provinces, the priority became the reconstruction and rehabilitation of homes, public building and facilities. This lies outside the scope of this appeal and was covered by the local government, with probable support from the central government.

The earthquake stricken areas are very poor and especially those who were vulnerable already before the disaster have had the greatest difficulties recovering their homes and securing their living. Other natural disasters in the affected regions had already affected the most vulnerable disaster victims prior to the earthquakes, and the general level of poverty remains high in the area.

For further details please contact: Aurelia Balpe, Phone : 41 22 730 4352; Fax: 41 22 733 03 95; email:

All International Federation Operations seek to adhere to the Code of Conduct and are committed to the Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response (SPHERE Project) in delivering assistance to the most vulnerable. The procurement for this operation was carried out in full compliance and conformity with the Federation's standard for international and local procurement.

For support to or for further information concerning Federation operations in this or other countries, please access the Federation website at

This operation sought to administer to the immediate requirements of the victims of this disaster. Subsequent operations to promote sustainable development or long-term capacity building will require additional support, and these programmes are outlined on the Federation's website.

John Horekens
External Relations Division

Simon Missiri
Asia and Pacific Department

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