Construction of the new primary school building in Danzhuang, Shidacang County (Qinghai Province) was completed last month. Danzhuang is a small village in a mountainous, almost barren region, whose inhabitants are Tibetans. Almost all of them are poor - average annual income per head is around CNY 1000 (ca. US$ 145). Its primary school was built in 1982. The building wasn't well maintained because there was never enough money for this, so over time it started literally falling to pieces and was officially categorised as very unsafe.
The Amity Foundation cooperated with Suyuan Law Firm, which sponsored the construction of a new school building with 6 classrooms, a students' dorm and a teachers' room covering altogether 180 square meters. The new building has a courtyard and a toilet, too. 159 school-age children live in the village, 58 of whom attend first grade
To mark the completion of the new building, Suyuan Law Firm presented teachers and students with a batch of learning materials and sports equipment. In view of the cold weather, the company added 150 pairs of writing gloves as well as scarves.