Geneva, 3 March 2000
Distribution of relief materials
to earthquake victims in Taiping and Zuomen Townships
ACT Appeal ASCN-01 China: Yunnan Province Earthquakes which was issued on 25 January 00 for a target of US$ 211,424 has received an encouraging cover of US$ 195,344 (92%) till date. This support from the network enabled Amity to provide assistance as planned with some minor shortfalls though in the quantities distributed.
Relief materials to homeless earthquake victims in Taiping Township (the third township that has received Amity's emergency assistance) was distributed on 16 February. Each of the 1,940 vulnerable families were given a quilt and 40 m2 plastic sheet.
In Zuomen Township (the last of the four townships that received Amity's emergency assistance) relief materials were distributed to homeless victims on 26 February. Two quilts and 40 m2 of plastic sheet were given to each of the 881 homeless families in 3 administrative villages in the township.
Amity's distribution of relief materials in these two townships was timely, as the province experienced more rain and snow and was gripped with unusually cold weather soon after the distribution of aid.
Thank you for your support.
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ACT is a worldwide network of churches and related agencies meeting human need through coordinated emergency response.
The ACT Coordinating Office is based with the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in Switzerland.