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ACT Appeal China: Sichuan Earthquake - ASCN82 (Revision 1)


Appeal Target: US$ 7,081,473

Balance Requested: US$ 0

Geneva, 30 July 2009

Dear Colleagues,

This revised appeal replaces the ACT Preliminary Appeal issued May 13, 2008 and the full version appeal issued on 11 June 2008 with target of US $4,354,372 for ACT member Amity Foundation's response to the Sichuan earthquake emergency which struck Central China at 14:28 (Beijing Time) on 12 May 2008.

Public facilities including schools, hospitals, and roads were severely damaged, particularly in the following eight counties or cities: Wenchuan, Lixian, Beichuan, Maoxian, Dujiangyan and Mianzhu in Sichuang Province, Longnan City in Gansu Province as well as Hanzhong City in Shaanxi Province. According to statistics from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, to September 2008 the death toll from the 12 May earthquake reached 69,229, with 17,923 and 374,643 reported as missing and injured respectively.

Local ACT International member Amity Foundation immediately began providing relief assistance to survivors in coordination with their local partners. Implementation of their continued rehabilitation assistance to the earthquake-affected population is on-going since July 2008. This revised appeal takes into consideration assistance provided to date and re-assessment of needs, capacity and targeting, as well as the significant scaling up of assistance in line with the availability and absorption of significant funding received by Amity above the previously stated appeal target. 125,000 affected families (500,000 persons) are now targeted for assistance, increased from 20,000 families (75,000 persons).

ACT is a global alliance of churches and related agencies working to save lives and support communities in emergencies worldwide.

The ACT Coordinating Office is based with the World Council of Churches (WCC) and The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in Switzerland.

The current appeal programme includes relief phase assistance already completed, as well as ongoing recovery and rehabilitation assistance including: psychosocial support, permanent housing, schooling, agricultural livelihoods recovery, water/irrigation systems, rehabilitation support to injured and disabled persons and community capacity building. In addition, provision is made for ACT Coordination support and an external ACT evaluation, as is required for all appeals over US $5 million.