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Chile + 1 more

UN Migration Agency, Government of Chile Organize a Job Fair for Venezuelans, Others

Santiago – The United Nations Migration Agency (IOM), and the Government of Chile this week (21/11) organized a job fair in Talca, a city in southern Chile. Special focus was put on refugees and migrants from Venezuela and an effort to improve their employability in the Maule Region, home to over 12,000 migrants from different nations.

Joining IOM’s efforts were the Regional Ministerial Secretary of Labour and Social Security, the Municipality of Talca, the National Training and Employment Service (SENCE) and the Commission of the National Certification System of Labour Competencies (ChileValora). The Maule Region’s Intendant [administrative official], Pablo Milad, inaugurated the job fair at Talca´s main square along with several members of his cabinet.

Over one thousand visitors attended the fair. Refugees and migrants from Venezuela discovered a wide choice of employment opportunities, ranging from security guards to technicians in several fields, offered by 26 different national and trans-national companies representing the region’s private sector.

"The vision we had in Venezuela was not that there were so many opportunities for us here, but there are scenarios like this, where, no matter your condition or origin, we are at home,” said Franklin Duque, a Venezuelan who attended the fair.

Each vacancy corresponded to a legitimate job, complying with all Chilean labour laws, where migrants could apply regardless of nationality. Attendees also were encouraged to prepare resumes and have them printed free of charge. The services of a Creole translator were made available for Haitians.

"I was a migrant for 16 years, so I understand that foreigners can always contribute to make this region bigger and adapt to our cultures in the best possible way," said Intendant Pablo Milad, who lived in France, Spain and Portugal.

Other government institutions that support entrepreneurship, and participated, included the Chilean Economic Development Agency (CORFO), its Technical Cooperation Service (Sercotec) and the Solidarity and Social Investment Fund (FOSIS). Also participating were civil society organizations that assist migrants.

“This is as much for the people of Maule as for migrants from all nationalities,” said Félix Martínez, who heads IOM Chile’s Sub-office in Talca. “Thus, we appreciate the support of local authorities and hope to continue advancing to start activities that favour the integration towards a more inclusive region."

This activity was funded by the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration from the United States Department of State.

For more information please contact José Estay, IOM Chile, Tel. + (56) 2 2963 3710, Email: