Wildfires- Update: It was reported on February 3, 2017 that of 131 wildfires, 68 have been controlled, 51 are still active, and 12 have been extinguished in the regions of Valparaiso, Metropolitan, Maule, Bío Bío, Los Lagos, Coquimbo, Araucanía, O'Higgins, Los Ríos, and Magallanes. There are 11 dead, 13 injured, and 519 in shelters, 6,162 people affected and 1,551 houses that are destroyed. The approximate numbers of deployed responders assisting in emergency operations: 18, 308 persons; 1,170 national brigades; 628 external brigades; 4,000 firefighters; 1,360 Carabineros (Chilean national police force); 415 police investigators; 2,397 official ministries and public services. (FO: ONEMI; CONAF; MINSAL.CL; PAHO/WHO)