Metropolitan Region.
Regional Preventive Alert
The technical analysis carried out by CONAF indicates a high probability of generation and spread of forest fires, in view of the conditions of temperatures that will reach 33° and relative humidity that will drop to 19%. Likewise, the condition of Red Button will cover 523.5 thousand hectares for the period, with 33 affected communes.
Libertador Bernado O'Higgins Region
Red alert
Current state in combat, with 122 ha at the time of writing.
An evacuation process was carried out in Sector Pailimo, which was reinforced with SAE messaging.
In consideration of this background and based on the technical information provided by CONAF, in coordination with the Regional Presidential Delegation of O'Higgins, the Regional Directorate of SENAPRED maintains a Red Alert for the commune of Marchigüe due to forest fire, in force from today and until the conditions warrant it.
Working on site
6 Brigades, 4 technicians, 2 skkider and 7 CONAF aircraft; 3 cistern trucks; Firefighters from Marchigúe, Litueche, La Estrella, Pichilemu, Navidad, Palmilla, Santa Cruz, Pumanque and Peralillo; and 2 aircraft managed by SENAPRED.
Yellow Alert
Ucuquer and El Cuzco Wind Farm in the commune of Litueche
Current combat status, with 915 affected at the time of this report.
As a result of this fire, 7 homes were reported destroyed, of which 6 would correspond to a second residence and 1 to a first residence.
Working on site
1 ground brigade, 1 CONAF technician, 4 helicopters, 1 command post, 2 heavy machinery, 2 cistern trucks.
Biobío Region
Red alert
Current state in combat, with 500 ha at the time of this report.
As a result of this fire, SAE messaging was activated for evacuation of the Toco Toco population sector (150 people)
The second communal COGRID is held, with the participation of the Regional and Provincial Presidential Delegate, SENAPRED Personnel. From the SEREMI of Health it is reported that Liceo Bicentenario Caupolicán is enabled as a shelter.
SENAPRED delivered 100 combat rations and 200 bottles of water to firefighters and masks to the Municipality of Los Álamos.
Working on site.
Los Álamos, Lebu and Curanilahue Firefighters, 7 CONAF Brigades, 6 ARAUCO, 1 Arauco Company Supervisor, 4 CONAF technicians, 2 Arauco operations chief; 3 Arauco Planes, 1 helicopter, 1 Arauco Coordination, 1 C-130 plane, 2 AT planes, 3 Arauco Helicarriers, 2 Arauco skidders, 1 Arauco command post and 1 CONAF skidder.
Regional Preventive Alert
The information provided by the Chilean Meteorological Directorate (DMC) and the National Forestry Corporation (CONAF) indicate that in the Biobío Region maximum winds of more than 30 km/h will be recorded in much of the region. together with a significant decrease in relative humidity below 25% and a dead fine fuel moisture of less than 6%. These conditions generate a highly favorable scenario for the occurrence and spread of forest fires.
Request For Assistance
Government Requests International Assistance
NS Requests International Assistance
Information Bulletin Published
Actions taken by National Society
Monitoring of situations by regional and branch committees.
Javier Lepe, Coordinador Nacional Gestión de la Información - IM,
Marion Sandoval, Directora Nacional de Gestión del Riesgo,