The secretariat of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) through its Coordination Office for Chile and Paraguay has provided a diversity of support to the Chilean Red Cross (ChRC) in 2014. These actions to support the humanitarian mission of the National Society were undertaken in line with International Movement strategies and standards, including Strategy 2020 and the Inter-American Framework for Action 2012-2016. This annual report provides information on the progress towards reaching the planned outputs for the 2012-2015 period as expressed in the Long Term Planning Framework.
Particular reinforcement was given to the ChRC in the areas of disaster response.
During 2014, the Chilean Red Cross implemented two concurrent emergency operations. The first was a four-month operation to attend to the massive and months-long forest fire that affected the Valparaiso area in April 2014, which destroyed more than 800 homes and led to more than 12,000 people being evacuated when the ChRC started its emergency response actions in August. The ChRC provided 700 households with essential non-food items; implemented a cash transfer programme for 627 families; offered training disease prevention to 2,920 people directly; provided 3,800 people with first aid care and 4,000 people with psychosocial support. For the Final Report on the DREF operation for the Valparaiso Fire, click here.
The second operation was launched to respond to the 8.2 earthquake (Richter scale) that struck Northern Chile on the first of April 2014. That month, the ChRC launched a DREF operation that soon after was then transformed into an Emergency Operation with its related Appeal. This operation provided 4,250 people with psychosocial support; 198,000 litres of safe and clean water immediately following the emergency as well as hygiene kits; and 506 families received a cash transfer to solution some of their housing problems. The 12-month operation was reduced to 10-months in November 2014, with a Revised Emergency Appeal for this Earthquake operation. The end date for this operation is February 2015 and the final report is not yet complete. For the Revised Emergency Appeal for this Earthquake operation, please click here.