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Chile - Wildfires (SENAPRED, media, JRC GWIS) (ECHO Daily Flash of 01 February 2024)

  • Several wildfires continue to burn across central and southern Chile, since 26 January, causing population evacuation and damage.

  • As of 31 January, according to the National System for Disaster Prevention, Mitigation and Attention (SENAPRED) there are currently four active wildfires in Navidad, San Pedro, San Pablo and Puerto Montt Municipalities and a red alert has been issued. The most widespread is the Puerto Montt (Llanquihue Province in Los Lagos Region) with a total burnt area of 677 ha.

  • According to the same source and to media, 74 people have been evacuated from 19 homes, a school is used as shelter in Puerto Montt and three people have been injured due to wildfire-related incidents.

  • Over the next 24 hours, according to the JRC Global Wildfire Information System (GWIS), the fire danger forecast is from high to extreme over central Chile, including the already affected regions.