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Chile – Forest Fires Update (DG ECHO, ONEMI, CONAF) (ECHO Daily Flash of 5 February 2017)

  • A large number of wildfires have been burning across the country over the past weeks, especially in the central and southern regions, causing casualties and damage.

  • The National Office of Emergencies of Interior Ministry (ONEMI) reported, as of 04 February at 21.30 UTC, that out of the 50 active fires: 41 have been controlled, 9 have been extinguished and 7 are still being fought in the regions of Coquimbo, Valparaiso, Metropolitan, Lib. Gral Bernardo, O'Higgins, Maule, Biobio, La Araucania, Los Rios Los Lagos, Magallanes and La Antártica Chilena.

  • ONEMI reported, as of 05 February at 09.10 UTC, 11 deaths and 7 422 people affected. 1 627 houses have been destroyed and 469 people are in temporary shelters.

  • The State of Emergency remains in the provinces of Colchagua and Cardenal Caro, O'Higgins region, and in Maule, Biobío and La Araucanía regions.