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Chile: Forest Fires - Revised Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA) (MDRCL013)


Explanation for revision of the emergency appeal: This revision entails a decrease in the operation's budget and the reduction of the initial 12-month timeframe to 7 months. The IFRC and the ChRC have worked together to prioritize and reorganize actions based on confirmed support (pledges and other donations). In addition, these modifications have been made since the current humanitarian needs have decreased and consider the recovery actions carried out by the government and other actors.

This revision makes changes to the following outcomes in this emergency appeal:

Shelter and settlements (and household items)
This section has been eliminated from the plan, considering the actions carried out by the government and other humanitarian organizations to rebuild destroyed homes.

Disaster Preparedness and Risk Reduction
This revised emergency plan of action has eliminated the local and community contingency plans.

Strengthening of National Society capacity
With this revision, the National Society’s actions to strengthen capacities have been eliminated.

All the remaining activities in the original appeal for the section on Quality programming / Areas common to all sectors continue to be implemented.

At the start of the operation, 67,760 Swiss francs were allocated from the Disaster Relief Emergency Fund for this start activities. On behalf of the Chilean Red Cross, the IFRC expresses its gratitude for the contributions from the American Red Cross, Japanese Red Cross Society and Monaco Red Cross in support of the emergency response efforts under this Appeal.