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Chile: Earthquake Situation Report #3


This report is based mainly on information received from the RC Office in Santiago and was issued by OCHA Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, covering the period 1 to 3 March. The next report will be issued on or around 5 March.


- Latest figures indicate at least 799 people killed and 2 million affected.

- Additional troops have been deployed to assist the humanitarian operations and ensure public security.

II. Situation Overview

- According to the Chilean National Emergency Office (ONEMI), the number of deaths has risen to 799, with 19 people still missing. Two million people have been severely affected. An estimated 1.5 million houses have been damaged.Amidst reports of looting, 10,000 troops have been deployed to earthquake-hit areas, in particular to Maule and Biobío.

- While authorities are currently establishing a comprehensive overview of the situation, immediate priorities continue to be search and rescue, medical services, shelter, food and water, transport, communications and the restoration of basic services.

- Santiago airport still operates with restrictions to international and domestic flights.

- Following a request by the Resident Coordinator in Chile, OCHA will provide an Emergency Cash Grant in the amount of US$100,000, pending receipt of a cost plan specifying which life-saving activities are to be funded.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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