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United Nations Sudan Situation Report 14 Jul 2006

Unified Mission Analysis Centre (UMAC)
United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS)
Khartoum, Sudan

On 12 July in a press conference in Khartoum, Presidential Advisor Mustafa Osman Ismail said that the internal conference on the East would be held 13 July in Khartoum. The conference will be addressed by VP Taha, the Minister of Finance, and the three eastern Governors. President Bashir will speak at the final session this evening. According to local Arab-language press, some northern political parties, including the Umma Party, have boycotted the talks, and the Popular National Congress has threatened to boycott if it is not given more seats.

On 13 July, Dr. Riek Machar returned to Juba after five days in Maridi where he had been meeting with the LRA on how to proceed on the talks with the Uganda Government under the GoSS mediation. On 14 July, the peace talks will begin with speeches by FVP Salva Kiir and the president of GoSS. The Ugandan Delegation will be led by Dr. Rugunda, the Ugandan Minister for Interior.

Khartoum and Northern Sudan: NSTR

North Darfur: NSTR

South Darfur


On 12 July, AMIS informed that an AMIS patrol escorting 35 people was reportedly stopped traveling from Gereida to Nyala allegedly by SLA faction soldiers in Abu Gragel (22 km Southeast of Nyala). The The AU escort was allowed to proceed to Nyala. Some people were later released while others are reportedly still detained.

West Darfur:


In Bindizi, demonstrations took place against INGOs with regard to non-food items (NFIs) distribution. The demonstrators felt that the nomadic population living outside the town should not receive any NFIs.

Southern Sudan:


On 13 July, the tribal fighting between Dinka Gok tribe of Cueibet County and Dinka Agaar of greater Rumbek (Rumbek Center / Rumbek North) counties escalated. Fighting took place in Along-Dior area (22 km northwest of Rumbek Town). 21 people were reported killed, 18 people missing and 30 others wounded. On 13 July, the Governor called an emergency security meeting with his Council of Ministers. As a result, only one SPLA platoon (40 men) was sent to the area.

Civil Affairs:

On 13 July, the Chairman of the Legislative and Legal Affairs Committee of the South Sudan Legislative Assembly met with UNMIS to exchange views on the Abyei Protocol.


The Deputy County Commissioner for Bor County informed of the establishment of five road blocks. He explained that the road blocks are intended to control the flow of arms to Bor town. Furthermore the road blocks are also aimed at controlling the movement of heavy vehicles particularly during the rainy season. - A second barge carrying approximately 1,000 people docked at Bor on 11 July from Malakal. No cholera cases were reported.

Eastern Sudan: NSTR

Abyei, Blue Nile and South Kordofan: NSTR

Restriction of Movement: NSTR

Safety of Personnel: NSTR

Casualties: No casualties reported.

Situation Reports generally sum up the main events, incidents and developments on the ground in the various areas of UNMIS operation in Sudan. As public records of occurrences, the reports include statements and accounts from a wide range of sources and witnesses such as the internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees, representatives of the Government, rebel movements, non-governmental organizations and others. As such, statements and accounts cited in the Situation Reports and quoted from such individuals do not necessarily reflect the views of UNMIS.

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