More than 20,800 people were displaced due to armed conflict in Diamerom and Toboro in the Lac province in late March 2020. In April, local authorities recommended the relocation of the displaced population to the Amma site, which was supported by humanitarian partners, but the relocation modalities are still being discussed.
The measles epidemic continued with 7,412 cases reported since the beginning of the year and 33 deaths (0.4%). However reported cases are decreasing, 293 cases were reported during week 16 compared to 814 reported cases during week 9.
Eight (8) cVDPV2 cases among which 6 AFP (Acute flaccid paralysis) and 2 environmental were confirmed in April 2020.
As of end of April, 73 confirmed cases of COVID-19 were reported and five deaths. A total of 1,514 quarantined cases were followed up in four different provinces (Ndjamena, Logone Oriental, Logone Occidental, Mayo Kebbi Ouest, Mayo Kebbi Est, Guéra).
Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs
More than 20,800 people have been displaced and are in 11 sites around Diamerom and Toboro in Fouli department following the attack by a non-state armed group in Boma on 23 March 2020 and the subsequent launch of military operations from the Chadian Army in the Lac province. The authorities consider the displacement site of Diamerom too close to the operational base of the Defence and Security Forces and are asking for relocation, in order to prevent potential attacks and infiltration by armed groups. The Amma site, located 30km from Diamerom and 20km from Liwa, was selected to host these displaced people. Through the Lake inter-cluster coordination (ICC) mechanism, humanitarian partners recommended that the assistance be focused on the Amma site, in order to improve access to basic services and essential food supplies for two months. However, the modalities of the IDP relocation from Diamerom to Amma are still being discussed with the local authorities.
As of April 2020, a total of 453,321 vulnerable people are at risk of acute food insecurity and in need of food or nutrition assistance in the departments of Bahr El Ghazal North and South. These two areas are now in a food security crisis phase and if immediate action is not taken, an additional 2,371,822 Chadians in 15 neighbouring Governorates are expected to enter the crisis phase between June and August 2020.
The measles epidemic, which started in April 2018, is continuing with 7,412 cases and 33 deaths (0.4%) reported since the beginning of the year. However, reported cases have decreased from 814 cases in epidemiologic week 9 to 293 cases in week 16. Similarly, a total of 370 cases of meningitis have been reported since the beginning of 2020, a decrease has been noted in April – with a decrease from 38 cases reported in week 13 to 12 cases in week 16. 8 cVDPV2 cases among which 6 AFP (Acute flaccid paralysis) and 2 environmental were confirmed in April 2020. The cases were reported by five districts newly infected which are Oumhadjer in Batha, Adre in Ouaddai, Ngouri in Lake, Bokoro in Hadjer lamis and Abdi in Dar-Sila provinces.
As of 30 April 2020, a total of 73 confirmed COVID-19 cases have been registered in N'Djamena and Ouaddaï province. Of these, 35 are being treated, 33 patients have recovered, and five are deceased. A total of 1,514 quarantined cases were followed up in eight different provinces (N'Djamena, Logone Oriental, Logone Occidental, Ouaddaï, Mayo Kebbi Ouest, Mayo Kebbi Est, Moyen Chari, Guéra). Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in Chad, 4,812 people have been placed in quarantine, and 368 samples were tested at the mobile laboratory.