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Chad + 5 more

UNHCR Chad Factsheet - September 2017


Numbers of refugees and asylum seekers in Chad

refugees students obtained the baccalaureate - 58.5% success rate - qualifying them for higher education in 2017

Trees planted by refugees in villages surrounding refugee camps to protect the environment.

Working with Partners

  • UNHCR works closely with the Chadian Government to provide international protection, to coordinate and deliver assistance, and to seek durable solutions for refugees, IDPs and returnees in the country.

  • In the refugee response, the main Government counterpart is the des Réfugiés et des Rapatriés (CNARR). UNHCR Chad collaborates with UN agencies (particularly WFP, UNFPA, UNICEF, FAO and IOM) to assist the refugee populations in eastern, southern and western Chad. UNHCR works directly with twelve (12) national and international NGOs partners throughout the country in providing a comprehensive refugee response namely: ACRA, ADES, AIRD, APLFT, CRT, HIAS, IRC, JRS, LWF, RET, SECADEV and WCDO.

  • On Prevention of statelessness, UNHCR main counterpart is the Direction des Affaires P (DAPEC).

  • In the IDP response, UNHCR implementing partner is the Chadian Red Cross (CRT). Within the cluster system, UNHCR is the Cluster lead for Protection as well as Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM)/Shelter/Non-Food Items (NFIs), IOM co-lead.

Main Activities

  • Donor Mission to Gore: The Head of Office of the EU Commission branch for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO) in Chad and the Desk Officer of ECHO in Brussels, accompanied by UNHCR External Relation Officer, carried out a field mission to the Sub-Delegation of Gore, southern Chad from 25 to 28 September. They wanted to appraise the development of projects funded by ECHO in order to assess their future contribution. After being briefed by UNHCR acting Head of Office, the delegation met with local authorities in the area, as well as UNHCR NGO partners. They further proceeded with a visit to Diba, the village where UNHCR installed the newly-arrived CAR refugees in an effort to outline the out of camp approach in the context of refugee integration, peaceful coexistence and self-reliance. In Gondje refugee camp, where CAR refugees in protracted situation, the mission witnessed the positive impact of the livelihood projects. Finally, they met and discussed with Chadian returnees from the sites of Danamadja and Kobiteye. After the meeting with UNHCR staffs and humanitarian actors in the field, the mission returned hold a debriefing with UNHCR management team, whereby ECHO expressed satisfaction with UNHCR approach towards bridging humanitarian and development interventions.

  • Towards multi-year and multi-partner (MYMP) planning: To strengthen the collaboration between all the stakeholders in order to strengthen the protection and the search for durable solutions for refugees in Chad, UNHCR is working to adopt a 2018-2020 strategy. Contribution and support of actors such as government authorities, the United Nations specialized agencies, international and regional financial institutions, development actors, universities, businesses, civil society actors, host communities as well as the displaced populations were sought to elaborate the MYMP action plan. As such, their support will also be needed to achieve the objectives of (i) integration of refugees and other persons of concern into the National Development Plan (NDP); (ii) strengthen the state's capacity to channel and facilitate humanitarian and development actions to improve the protection environment and to help refugees and other affected populations to find solutions aimed at addressing long-term asylum issues or other protection risks. This multi-year, multi-partners strategic plan for Chad will facilitate coordinated planning, followed by the implementation of activities over the period 2018-2020.