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Chad + 4 more

UNHCR Chad Factsheet - July 2017



  • 6338 Nigeriens fleeing the heightened insecurity situation in Niger and seeking protection in Chad.

  • A Forum led by the Government to discuss factors hindering the socioeconomic inclusion of refugees in Chad and to agree on an action-plan for their effective inclusion in Chadian communities.

  • 2700 Birth Certificates for Chadian returnees in N’Djamena established after the verification exercise.


USD 162.8 million needed

USD 28.2 million received


  • UNHCR works closely with the Chadian Government through the Commission National d’Accueil et de Réinsertion des Réfugiés et des Rapatriés (CNARR) to provide international protection and coordinate assistance and durable solutions for refugees in the country.

  • UNHCR Chad collaborates with UN agencies (particularly WFP, UNFPA, UNICEF, FAO and IOM) to assist the refugee populations in eastern, southern and western Chad. UNHCR works directly with twelve (12) national and international NGOs partners throughout the country in providing a comprehensive refugee response. These partners are: These partners are: ACRA, ADES, AIRD, APLFT, CRT, HIAS, IRC, JRS, LWF, RET, SECADEV and WCDO.

  • UNHCR is the Cluster lead for Protection as well as Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM)/Shelter/Non-Food Items (NFIs) to assist displaced population in the Lake Region.


New influxes in the Lake Region: 28 July, local authorities’ and CNARR the UNHCR Government counterpart, informed humanitarian agencies of the presence of 1,337 families of 6,658 individuals at Dar Al Kheir. A joint UNHCR/IOM mission carried out in the site allowed to verify that few of them, eleven (11) have documentation from Niger. They fled Niger due to the risk of insecurity caused by the withdrawal of the Chadian army in their region and the heightened possibilities of Boko Haram attacks. They were assisted in food and NFIs. Discussions are ongoing with the Government to determine the status of this population. An analysis of the situation is needed to assess their protection risk. Meanwhile, an inter-agency (UNHCR, WFP, OCHA and UNICEF) assessment mission led by the Humanitarian Coordinator is ongoing at the Lake Region.

UNHCR has actively followed-up with the Government for the finalization and approval by the World Bank of the IDA-18 refugee and host communities’ window for Chad. The office has supported several WB missions in the country. This project could well represent an important resource mobilization opportunity for Chad.

UNHCR Chad is seeking to respond to the new influx in southern Chad: Recent unforeseen influxes from CAR have created additional needs for the provision of emergency life-saving assistance, basic services and protection to new arrivals. Over 750 new refugees, bringing the total to close to 3,000, present on the site of Diba in southern Chad. The screening and transfer of refugees is ongoing. The majority of new arrivals are lodged in available shelters, however, hundreds are presently accommodated in temporary shelters. Given the heavy rainfall, UNHCR is working to build family shelters, but with limited resources. The family shelters will declutter the temporary shelters and prevent any risks of disease outbreaks. Refugees were assisted with warm meals and NFIs including mosquito nets, buckets, sanitary napkins, plastics sheeting and blankets.

Forum for the socioeconomic inclusion of refugees in Chad: From 25 - 27 July, the Chadian Government, with the support of UNHCR, hosted a forum on the socioeconomic inclusion of refugees in Chad. The purpose of the forum was to analyze factors hindering the socioeconomic inclusion of refugees in Chad with the focus of discussions on refugee access to employment, freedom of movement, secure access to land, and documentation. Participants included several representatives of line ministries. Also present were diplomatic corps, donors, UN sister agencies, local and international NGOs, sultans, governors, Préfet and local authorities of regions hosting refugees as well as refugee representatives of from each camp attended. The conclusion of this forum will serve as a guideline and an action plan for the socioeconomic inclusion of refugees in the Chadian territory.