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Serious Security Incident at the Fixed Health Post of Fende 2 (Chad)

During the night of September 7th to 8th, around midnight, a security incident affected health workers from the Chadian state, who were working at the fixed health post of Fende 2, located 18 km from Kiskra, about 40 km from Liwa in the Fouli department (Liwa).

An armed non-state group (NSAG) attacked the health personnel. The head nurse of the post was fatally injured, and two health workers were abducted. The other three personnel were found and safely returned to Liwa.

Contrary to the information that circulated in the urgency of the situation, the health post falls under the responsibility of the Chadian health authorities, specifically the Liwa health district and the Bol Health Delegation. The Chadian NGO Alerte Santé, a key partner of ALIMA in the country, provides technical support for the operation of the health post.

Since the incident, all the affected health personnel have been secured, and health activities have been suspended. Psychological support is being provided to them.

The Chadian authorities are mobilized to facilitate the release of the abducted personnel. Alerte Santé is in regular contact with these authorities.

Alerte Santé, with the support of ALIMA, has been operating in the affected district since 2018, providing nutritional and health care to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).

Alerte Santé and ALIMA condemn this attack on the health personnel of Fende 2 and, more generally, the attacks on health workers providing humanitarian support to the Chadian population.

Alerte Santé and ALIMA stand ready to assist the Chadian authorities and hope for the quick release of the abducted health workers.

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