Each week, the World Health Organization Health Action in Crises in Geneva produces information highlights on the health aspects of selected humanitarian crises. Drawing on the various WHO programmes, contributions cover activities from field and country offices and the support provided by WHO regional offices and Headquarters. The mandate of the WHO Departments specifically concerned with Emergency and Humanitarian Action in Crises is to increase the effectiveness of the WHO contribution to crisis preparedness and response, transition and recovery. This note, which is not exhaustive, is designed for internal use and does not reflect any official position of the WHO Secretariat.
Assessments and events:
The situation remains fluid as the cessation of hostilities agreement signed between the Government and the LRA in August 2006 expired in February.
An estimated 1.7 million people are still displaced in the north. Despite improved security, the majority lives in difficult conditions with limited access to basic services.
Provision of health service remains a challenge in the areas of return and resettlement. Many health facilities, closed for a long time, need extensive renovation and new staff as well as equipment, medicines and supplies.
In West Nile Region, 2029 cases of meningitis and 65 deaths were reported in February. Suspected cases were reported in Oyam, Pager, Gulu and Amuru.
In Lango Region, WHO supported the NGO Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief to construct maternity units at the Okwongo and Acokara health centres in Lira and Oyam respectively. WHO and Caritas are beginning renovation work at Amugo and Akura Health centres in Lira. WHO provided equipment and supplies for the new maternity units.
WHO is also providing funds and technical assistance to train village health teams. Since the beginning of the programme, hundreds were trained to provide basic health care in hard-to-reach and return areas.
WHO provided 43 100 insecticide treated nets for distribution in Pader, Kitgum and Apac districts. An additional 73 900 nets will be provided shortly to Oyam, Dokolo, Gulu and Amuru districts.
In West Nile Region, WHO is providing technical, logistic and financial support to all districts for meningitis surveillance and case management, laboratory confirmation and vaccination activities. WHO has procured over 1.2 million doses of vaccines from the ICG.
In 2007, WHO's emergencies activities are funded by the United Kingdom and the United States.