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Deployment of the Integrated Security Detachment in Chad

We welcome the deployment of Chadian police from the Integrated Security Detachment (DIS) that has just gotten under way in the eastern part of the country.

In accordance with SCR 1778, adopted on September 25, 2007, the multidimensional presence deployed in eastern Chad and northeastern CAR must consist of three complementary components:

The DIS, made up of Chadian police and gendarmes, entrusted with maintaining order in areas of eastern Chad where refugees and displaced persons are concentrated;

The UN mission (MINURCAT), whose policing component is responsible for selecting, training, advising and facilitating support for the Chadian elements of the DIS.

The EU's military operation within the framework of the ESPD, Eufor Chad/CAR, responsible for creating a security environment mainly for the protection of civilians (notably refugees and displaced persons), to which 20 countries are contributing.

The role of this new Chadian security force, bolstered by the international police of MINURCAT, is essential to aiding civilian populations.

It is important for this deployment and for that of MINURCAT to be carried out as swiftly as possible.