This report covers the period of 1/01/06 to 31/12/06 of a twoyear planning and appeal process.
In a world of global challenges, continued poverty, inequity, and increasing vulnerability to disasters and disease, the International Federation with its global network, works to accomplish its Global Agenda, partnering with local community and civil society to prevent and alleviate human suffering from disasters, diseases and public health emergencies.
In brief
Programme Summary: Despite funding shortfalls and the heightened insecurity experienced in 2006 by the humanitarian community in Eastern Chad, the International Federation and the Red Cross of Chad (RRC) continued assistance to the Sudanese refugees in Treguine and Bredgine camps; as well as support to the vulnerable Chadian communities living around both camps. Available resources were used to provide basic assistance to an estimated 43,000 caseloads: 14,000 in Treguine and 29,000 in Bredgine. The assistance provided in both camps have further improved morbidity, mortality and malnutrition rates, with an average Global Acute Malnutrition rate of less than five percent. The assessments conducted during the year by donors, including the European Commission Humanitarian Office (ECHO) and the American Bureau of Population, Refugee and Migration (BPRM), concluded positively on the progress achieved. However, the limited resources were not enough to cover areas of support to the vulnerable Chadian host communities as well as other activities planned under the National Society's programmes in the four core areas of the Federation's Strategy 2010.
Goal: The morbidity and mortality rates of vulnerable, under five children and women of child-bearing age is improved. The disaster management capacity of the RCC is strengthened and further developed to ensure an adequate level of response and the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement Principles and activities are disseminated and a culture of non violence is promoted and accepted by communities in the country.
Needs: Total 2006-2007 budget CHF 12,956,445 (USD 10,707,805 or EUR 7,900,271) out of which 42.3 percent covered.
For more detailed information on the 2006 activities, please see Programme Update 1 and 2:
Programme Update no. 1:
Programme Update no. 2:
No. of people we help: In 2006, estimated 53'000 people (43,000 Sudanese refugees and 9,000 local populations around Treguine and Bredgine refugee camps); 45,000 floods-victims in 12 Chadian communities (in the south), estimate 3,000,000 Chadian (mainly children aged under five years and women at child bearing) people of mass mobilization and sensitization against waterborne diseases as well as vaccination against polio, measles and meningitis.
In 2007: activities are planned to cover the needs of 45,000 Sudanese refugees (30,000 in Bredgine and 15,000 in Treguine); and 1,800,000 Chadian vulnerable populations targeted in six strategic areas.
For further information please contact:
Chad: Andreas Koumo Gopina, Secretary General, Red Cross of Chad, N'Djamena; email:; telephone +235 523 434;
Chad: Dr. Razack V. Akadiri, Federation Head of Delegation, N'Djamena; email:; telephone +235 522 339; fax +235 522 399; Cell +235 627 84 84
Cameroon: Javier Medrano, Federation Head of Central Africa Sub-Regional Office, Yaoundé; email:; Phone +237.221 74 37; fax +237221 74 39
Senegal: Alasan Senghore, Federation Head of West and Central Africa Regional Delegation, Dakar; email:; telephone +221.869.36.41; fax +221 860 20 02.
Geneva: Jaime Duran, Federation Regional Officer for Chad Operations, Africa Department; email:; telephone+ 41 22 730 4914; fax +41 22 733 03 95
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