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Chad + 1 more

Chad Humanitarian Bulletin Issue 01 | January 2016



  • In 2015, the humanitarian crisis in Lac region has added to existing crises and chronic vulnerability.

  • Despite humanitarian efforts, food insecurity and malnutrition increased in 2015.

  • Malaria is still the most significant epidemic in Chad.

  • In 2015, over half a million people in Chad were displaced.


Population 13.2 m

Literacy rate 37.3%

GDP per capita US$2,021

Life expectancy 50.7 yrs

Mortality rate (under 5) 150/1,000

Maternal mortality rate 1,100 / 100,000

Access to drinking water 48.2%

Returnees* 102,000

Refugees* 373,380 Internally displaced people* (including registered)

*as of 31/12/2015. 53,593 (38,738)


572 million requested (US$) in 2015

45.1% funded in 2015

Year 2015 in review

The crisis in Lac has added to multiple existing crises

This humanitarian bulletin takes stock of the humanitarian situation in Chad and the response provided by the humanitarian community to the four major issues affecting the country: population movements, food insecurity and malnutrition, health emergencies and natural disasters.

The year 2015 was particularly marked by the humanitarian crisis in Lac region, exacerbating a context of multiple crises and chronic vulnerability. Between January and December, insecurity in the area has led to the movement of 86,000 people.

More than 1.7 million people assisted in 2015

Despite limited resources the humanitarian community, in partnership with Chadian authorities and technical services, has made significant efforts to respond to the emergency in the Lac region, while continuing to address other chronic and protracted crises throughout the country.

In total, of the 2.5 million that had been targeted in the 2015 Humanitarian Response Plan over 1.7 million people have received humanitarian assistance (over 68%). The most effectively covered sectors in terms of people assisted from the initial target were food security, shelter, health and education (see chart).

However, the Online Reporting System (ORS) has been underused, and does not allow for a comprehensive assessment of the response, nor a detailed analysis of the correlation between funding received and assistance delivered

The challenge of humanitarian access

Humanitarian assistance was carried out in a context of access constraints in several regions. In the far north of the country, access is also difficult because of the lack of road and airport infrastructure. Access in eastern and southern Chad is particularly difficult during the rainy season (flooded roads), and security incidents are still reported sporadically (carjacking etc.).

Besides, in Lac region in particular, some areas have not been accessible since the beginning of the year because of the presence of armed groups and military operations - yet humanitarian needs persist. To improve access, the number of humanitarian flights by the UN Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) has increased from one to three per week to and from Bol, the capital of Lac region. On the other hand, the number of security analysis missions by the United Nations Department of Security and Safety (UNDSS) increased in this area.

Major but still insufficient support from donors

Throughout 2015, support from donors has been crucial to enable the provision of assistance to affected populations, with US$257.7 million received to fund the Humanitarian Response Plan in 2015.
Two grants were provided by the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) for a total amount of 12 million dollars. The first was used to fund the humanitarian response in Lac ($3.5 million in May), and the second to support refugees in eastern Chad ($6 million in May). A third CERF allocation ($7 million) for Lac was announced in December for a start-up in January 2016 (see "In Brief").

Through these commitments, the Humanitarian Response Plan has been funded at $257.7 million. However, this represents only 45% of the funds that were needed to cover priority humanitarian assistance required by people in need who were targeted. However, it should be noted that this amount represents an increase of $ 31 million compared with funding for humanitarian aid to Chad in 2014 ($226.5 million).


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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