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Chad: Food Security Crisis - Emergency Plan of Action Final Report DREF n° MDRTD015



Description of the disaster

In early 2017, Chad was found to have pockets of severe food insecurity with population facing serious nutritional issues.

According to the Cadre Harmonisé, of March 2017, about 13,102 people were then in Emergency (phase 4) while an estimated 367,218 people in four districts were in Crisis (phase 3). These vulnerable people needed food, affordable basic commodities, rehabilitation and nutrition, health and other livelihood assistance and capacity-building for resilience. An estimated 1,886,800 people in 18 districts were in Stress (phase 2). These people needed support to build resilience, develop their livelihoods and keep severe malnutrition at acceptably low levels. Projected figures were showing a worsening situation with more than 897,408 people in Crisis or Emergency situation (Phase3 to 5) from June to August 2017.

Humanitarian efforts of the government and its partners were not able to curb the progression of the difficulty of accessing food. Besides, the low coverage of humanitarian assistance in country, the depletion of the food stock, the limited coping strategies and the increasing number of food insecure people darkened the food security and malnutrition picture in Chad.

In view of this, food aid, accompanied by strong actions for better nutritional and livelihood protection, was required.

Considering that the food and nutritional situation is periodic (lean season), the Red Cross of Chad (CRC) with the support from the IFRC Sahel Country Cluster Support Team (Sahel Cluster) and the IFRC Niger Country Office, made a commitment to work upstream (preparation) and downstream (post-response) to better understand the food insecurity problem and provide adequate short and long-term interventions.

As such, on 11 August 2017, the Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) of the IFRC launched a DREF operation for CHF 233,017 to support the Red Cross of Chad to respond to the emergency in the vulnerable groups identified and to to conduct a detailed assessments which would feed in the preparation of a strong four-year program, based on a preparedness and resilience approach. This operation equally aimed at providing food and preventive nutrition activities for 1,900 households and enable the affected population to survive and meet its immediate needs during the lean season (July to October 2017). Overall, the operation targeted 12,350 people. In November 2017, a DREF Operation Update was approved, extending the operation timeframe for a further two months until 11 January 2018. This was to allow proper completion of planned activities which had been delayed for security reasons and to enable the National Society to take part in the regional lessons-learned workshop set for December 2017 in Dakar. To note, the lessons-learned workshop was to encompass all the five Food security DREF operations launched in August 2017.

The major donors and partners of this DREF included the Red Cross Societies and governments of Australia, Austria, Belgium, Britain, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the USA, as well as DG ECHO, the UK Department for International Development (DFID), AECID, the Medtronic and Zurich Foundations and other corporate and private donors. On behalf of the Red Cross of Chad (CRC), the IFRC would like to extend its gratitude to all partners for their generous contributions.

Summary of response Overview of Host National Society Since the food crisis of 2004/2005, the Red Cross of Chad has been building up its operational capacity in managing operations and has successfully managed food security and nutritional operations in the last few years (2005, 2008, 2011-2012, 2015 and 2017). As such, the National Society has built extensive experience in managing Food and Nutrition crisis. In addition to this operational experience, the CRC has diversified its response strategies and tools, for example with the use of the cash transfer modality to respond to crises when feasible. The systematic involvement of communities in operations was also ensured. The section “Detailed Operational Plan” gives a more specific overview of the actions undertaken by the National Society under this DREF operation.

Overview of Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in country For the implementation of this DREF operation, IFRC, through the Sahel Cluster, provided technical support and deployed a Regional Disaster Response Team (RDRT) member to support the National Society. Indeed, through the deployed RDRT, IFRC also focused on providing adequate capacity building support to the Red Cross of Chad’s team.

At the regional level, a monitoring and coordination plan was established to support the National Society. ICRC has operational presence in some specific areas of Chad, particularly in conflict zones and there is a cooperation agreement between the ICRC and the National Society. The French Red Cross is well established in the country and supports the CRC in the implementation of projects and programs as well as in strengthening food security, nutrition and the livelihoods sector. Coordination meetings of the Red Cross Movement were held regularly, bringing together partner National Societies (PNS), the ICRC, the CRC and the deployed RDRT to support the implementation of the operation.
Overview of non-RCRC actors in country Between January and June 2017, the Red Cross of Chad’s partners worked together with the Food Security Cluster to reach around 1,027,763 people through relief activities.