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Chad: Floods - Emergency appeal n° MDRTD010 - Operation update n°2


Period covered by this Ops Update: November 2012 to February, 2013;

Appeal target (current): CHF 775,716;

Appeal coverage: 60%

Appeal history:

• Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF): CHF 125,920 was initially allocated on 11 September, 2012 to support the National Society in delivering immediate assistance to 11,770 beneficiaries.

• The Emergency Appeal was launched on 21 October, 2012 for CHF 775,716 to support the Red Cross of Chad (RCC) to assist 4,400 households (30,800 beneficiaries) for six months.

• An operation update n°1 was published on 10 December, 2012 and provided information about activities implemented within the timeframe of DREF

Summary: The emergency operation responds to urgent needs of 4,400 households affected by seasonal flooding through interventions in health, watsan and shelter. IFRC field staff and national society’s counterpart were deployed in the area of Bongor and the surrounding villages to start implementing activities. Activities implemented so far include the registration process of vulnerable groups (criteria agreed upon on the e-single form) to receive NFIs support, training of 200 volunteers and discussion with local authorities and partners on the best ways to achieve results. Visit to the local health facilities to assess the level of preparedness, should an epidemic such as cholera strike and how the RCC can provide support was also carried out. From the national society small stock, a total of 362 households were reached by the distribution of mosquito nets, jerry cans, buckets and soap. This stock will be compensated by the awaited NFIs from neighbouring Cameroon.

Meanwhile, conditions of affected victims in both target areas remain critical. In the capital N’Djamena, families still live in makeshift shelters in the Toukra camps with no hope of returning to their homes soon. The camp hosts more than 6,000 people who lost their homes to floods in 2012. In Bongor area and surroundings, one of the worst-hit by the floods, more than one third of cultivated fields were flooded. The harvest is expected to be lower this year in these areas. Certain areas have begun experiencing food shortages.

Funds in support of this operation have been received from European Commission - DG ECHO, as well as from Japanese, Monaco, Swiss, Canadian and Netherlands Red Cross Societies. The Red Cross of Chad wishes to thank donors for their generous support to this operation and encourage others to fund the remainder of the operation so that planned activities can be carried out.