The purpose of the Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) is to collect information on large and sudden population movements as well as on security and climate emergencies.
This dashboard provides information on movements which occurred on 27 July, 02, 03, 04 and 06 August 2022, in five sites of Lac Province.
Following several kidnappings in the locality of Kaiga-Kindjiria (sous-préfecture of Kaiga-Kindjiria, département of Fouli) and the increasing insecurity in the area, 10 households (65 individuals) left this locality to take refuge on 27 July 2022 in Borora site, located in the sous-préfecture of Daboua (département of Fouli) (point 1 on the map and the table below).
Following a kidnapping of 8 people on 30 July 2022 in Karam-Ngouboua site (souspréfecture of Liwa, département of Fouli), three movements occurred: 1) 70 households (194 individuals) left this site to seek refuge on 2 August 2022 in the newly established site of Kandam, located in the same sous-prefecture (point 2 on the map and the table below); 2) 104 households (244 individuals) left the site of Torbo (sous-prefecture of Liwa) and took refuge in the newly established site of Alikoromirom (same sous-préfecture) (point 3); 3) 121 households (284 individuals) left the locality of Bourom (same souspréfecture) and took refuge on 4 August 2022 in the newly established site of Kangara (same sous-préfecture) (point 4).
Following an armed attack perpetrated by non-state armed groups on 2 August 2022 in Abourom (sous-préfecture of Liwa), 111 households (435 individuals) left the site of Kadoulou, located in the same sous-préfecture, to take refuge on 6 August 2022 in the newly established site of Leila (same sous-prefecture) (point 5).