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Chad: Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) Flooding | Miski (Province of Borkou) - Dashboard #115 (5 August 2021)


The objective of the Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) is to collect information on large and sudden population movements as well as security and climactic emergencies. Following heavy rains which occured on 01 August 2021 and caused severe flooding in the Wadi Douar neighbourhood of the town of Miski (Province of Borkou), located in the Sahara desert, DTM conducted an ETT assessment to measure the impact of the flooding. Information was collected through phone interviews with key informants, on 04 August 2021. The floods affected 91 persons from 13 households, caused the death of four people and the disappearance of 17 others, damaged 13 houses and two water drillings and led to loss of Non-Food Items and livestock. They have also increased the exposure of populations to zoonotic diseases.