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Chad + 2 more

Chad Consolidated Appeal Mid-Year Review 2013+



Chad continues on its path towards stabilisation and sustainable recovery. Peace dividends such as an improved security environment and political stability have reinforced the country’s status as a host nation for people affected by conflict in neighbouring countries in a region marked by political turmoil.

Around 150,000 Chadian returnees from Libya have arrived in Chad since the beginning of hostilities in Libya in 2011. Sporadic arrivals continue, as reported by IOM, in localities such as Faya-Largeau and areas of difficult humanitarian access in the northern Tibesti region. Following tribal clashes in Darfur, Sudan, a new influx of 30,448 refugees and 20,640 Chadian returnees has arrived at the border town of Tissi in the east of the country, impacting the livelihoods of the local population and requiring a major multi-sectoral emergency rapid response. Additionally, following the deposition of the Central African Republic (CAR) President on 24 March 2013 and the violent activity of rebel groups in that country, a new wave of 7,500 refugees has been integrated into the already existing UNHCRmanaged camps in southern Chad, bringing the total amount of CAR refugees present in Chad to 69,889. More than 1,000 Chadian returnees fleeing the same crisis in CAR have also arrived in Tissi. The situation of 90,000 IDPs and 91,000 former IDPs who have been relocated or reintegrated into local communities continues is still a serious concern considering their lack of access to minimum basic social services. Military raids against armed groups in northern Nigeria have caused an influx of more than 1,500 returnees and are likely to cause further cross-border displacement in the Lake Chad region.

Despite agricultural production of 3.1 million tons of cereals in the 2012/13 season—an increase of 54% of the five-year average—2.1 million people remain food-insecure in Chad, including 1.2 million people at risk of extreme food insecurity. This situation is mainly due to the debt that families have accumulated over consecutive crises and to higher global food prices in 2013.

Vulnerable communities still require assistance to protect their livelihoods and build resilience to face future recurrent environmental shocks.

Following a yellow fever outbreak in eastern Chad, the Ministry of Public Health, with the support of the Health cluster and other humanitarian partners, mobilized a major vaccination campaign for 872,919 people between February and March 2013. As the rainy season approaches, activities related to the prevention, preparedness and response to possible epidemics of cholera and other waterborne diseases are being accelerated. The reinforcement of contingency stocks of WASH and health items remains a priority to ensure rapid response.

As is often the case in situations of massive displacement like the on-going crisis in Tissi, girls and boys are particularly affected by the disruption of their school year and it is a challenge for them to integrate into different educational systems and curricula. As the prospect of continued and irregular displacement from Nigeria, Libya, CAR and Sudan towards Chad remains high, education in emergencies will play a key role in ensuring that the basic needs of children affected by conflict are covered.

This is the first review of the 2013-2015 humanitarian strategy aiming to address the immediate life-saving needs of people affected by disasters while improving their resilience to face future shocks, in synergy with national development priorities and ensuring conflict sensitivity in emergency programming. With little change in the situation and needs in the last six months, programming and funding requests are similarly little changed after this mid-year review.

As of 21 June 2013, the 2013+ Chad Consolidated Appeal has received US$185 million4 (36% of the required funding). Some sectors remain largely underfunded, including Education, Protection,
Early Recovery, Health and WASH. The revised consolidated appeal identifies as priorities the humanitarian needs in WASH, Health and multi-sectoral support to refugees, returnees and other populations affected by displacement. Education in emergencies, child protection and genderbased violence issues are addressed here. Balanced funding among sectors remains essential to enable complementarity and support a comprehensive response.

To achieve the strategic objectives outlined in this appeal, 9 UN Agencies, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and 25 NGOs in consultation with the Government of Chad and local actors are appealing for $510 million.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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