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Chad + 1 more

ACT Appeal Chad: Emergency relief for refugees from Darfur AFCH-51


Appeal Target: US$ 847,100

Geneva, 13 July 2005

Dear Colleagues,

Chad is now striving to cope with the presence of refugees both in the south and the east. While the refugee situation in the south remains largely under control, the presence of around 213,000 Sudanese refugees in the east, as a result of the Darfur (Sudan) crisis, strains the country's already over-stretched capacities as Chad is also prone to humanitarian emergencies such as recurring droughts and floods.

Norwegian Church Aid, since beginning of its operations in eastern Chad in February 2004, has been assisting an estimated 15,700 refugees in Touloum, 15,200 in Iridimi and 15,000 in Mile camps. The number of refugees in eastern Chad has grown substantially to 213,000 refugees, now split into 11 camps (existing and under construction). Recent reports indicate that there is still on-going fighting in Darfur, and that the civil population are still subject to assaults and harassment. However, it is UNHCR's mandate to accommodate the refugees in Chad until it is safe for them to return to Darfur. UNHCR has been mounting a major logistical operation to establish camps and transfer refugees from the border zone, where they have been subject to attacks by armed militia crossing over from Sudan. The conflict has spilled into Chad, with cross-border raids that have killed Chadian civilians.

In the coming months, UNHCR plans to establish new camps in eastern Chad in addition to the 11 existing ones. Before the rainy season starts in July, the UN agency hopes to have relocated refugees now living in camps which are either too close to the border of Sudan or where water is scarce. NCA is now in a consolidation phase where most refugee tents are built and most of the water and sanitation infrastructures are in place in the camps it is managing at the moment. As one of UNHCR's main implementing partners, NCA has been requested to continue implementing activities in 2005. In this appeal NCA are planning to provide adequate water and sanitation services for Sudanese refugees seeking protection in Chad. Activities include site planning, extension of three refugee camps, opening new contingency sites to accommodate influxes, provide new sites in a decongestion exercise, psychosocial support services for approximately 45,000 Sudanese refugees and provide logistical support to this remote part of Chad.

This appeal is a continuation of ACT appeal AFCH-41.

Name of ACT member/partner

- Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)

Project Completion Date: 31 December 2005

Summary of Appeal Targets, Pledges/Contributions Received and Balance Requested

Total Appeal Target(s):
US$ 847,100
Less: Pledges/Contr. Recd.:
US$ 0
Balance Requested from ACT Alliance:
US$ 847,100

Please kindly send your contributions to either of the following ACT bank accounts:

US dollar
Account Number - 240-432629.60A
IBAN No: CH46 0024 0240 4326 2960A

Euro Bank Account Number - 240-432629.50Z
IBAN No: CH84 0024 0240 4326 2950Z

Account Name: ACT - Action by Churches Together
8, rue du Rhône
P.O. Box 2600
1211 Geneva 4, SWITZERLAND
Swift address: UBSW CHZH12A

Please also inform the Finance Officer Jessie Kgoroeadira (direct tel. +4122/791.60.38, e-mail address of all pledges/contributions and transfers, including funds sent direct to the implementers, now that the Pledge Form is no longer attached to the Appeal.

We would appreciate being informed of any intent to submit applications for EU, USAID and/or other back donor funding and the subsequent results. We thank you in advance for your kind co-operation.

Jessie Kgoroeadira
Acting Director, ACT Co-ordinating Office


  • Norwegian Church Aid.


The lead agency, Norwegian Church Aid (NCA), has been involved in major and moderate emergency operations in many parts of the world for more than half a century. NCA operates in the Eastern Africa region covering Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya, Burundi, Somalia, and Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, and Eritrea.

NCA was invited by UNHCR Chad to conduct a rapid assessment of needs as the humanitarian situation of the refugees from Darfur worsened in February 2004. As a result of the assessment, NCA was further requested by UNHCR to assist in setting up three refugee camps, as well as to intervene in the water and sanitation sector and psychosocial rehabilitation.

The appeal, a continuation of ACT appeal AFCH-41, seeks funding to provide immediate and long-term assistance to 213,000 people in eastern Chad. In addition, the appeal aims to reinforce the coping mechanisms of the refugees and their host community members to make them less dependent on humanitarian aid.