Chad ranks 73rd out of 78 countries on the Global Hunger Index which measures the global fight against hunger, and ranks 184th out of 187 countries on the 2014 UNDP Human Development Index, which looks at overall human development.
87 percent of the rural population lives below the poverty line.
In 2015, more than 2.4 million rural Chadians have become food insecure, of which 428,000 people are classified as severely food insecure.
In the Lac, Barh El Gazal and Kanem regions, farmers will face an unusually longer and leaner season this year - Instead of the traditional June through September period, it is expected last from February to September.
Highly unpredictable rains, periodic droughts, locust infestations and unsustainable farming practices negatively affect cereal production across the country.
To combat malnutrition, WFP is using a two-part approach that focuses on prevention during the first 1000 days window of opportunity by providing treatment to 200,000 children under five and to 20,000 pregnant and nursing women, who are suffering from moderate acute malnutrition.
360,000 Sudanese refugees, 100,000 Central African Republic returnees and refugees, and 20,000 Nigerian refugees have fled their homes to Chad.
Lack of infrastructure and limited human resources, as well as, aggravated by structural food insecurity has hampered access to basic education in a country where only one third of the adults are literate and two thirds of school age children are enrolled.
With a budget of 28 million dollars USD, 580.000 recipients will receive food assistance through food vouchers in 2015
With four aircrafts and 17 destinations, UNHAS’ operations in Chad are essential: from January – December 2014, it transported 45,600 humanitarian workers, and carried out numerous medical evacuations.