In Numbers
504,784 people assisted in November 2024
US$ 1,837,280 cash transferred under general food distributions, malnutrition treatment and livelihood support and resilience building programmes.
1,397 mt of food assistance distributed
US$ 59.7 m six months net funding requirements (December 2024-May 2025)
Operational Updates
Food assistance to crisis-affected populations/GFD (Activity 1): In November, WFP provided 338,069 crisis-affected people with unconditional life-saving food assistance valued at 1,007 mt of in-kind food and USD 1,713,973 in cash-based transfers. Beneficiaries included refugees mainly from Sudan and Tchad, Central African refugees returning home, IDPs and members of host communities.
Treatment of moderate acute malnutrition (Activity 2): WFP directly supports the Ministry of Public Health for the treatment of moderate acute malnutrition. In November, 9,869 vulnerable people including 1,023 people living with HIV-AIDS on ART received USD 49,172 to purchase food. WFP also delivered 58 mt of specialized nutritious foods to 8,571 pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls (PBWGs) and 275 children 6-59 months in Bambari, Bossangoa, Bria, Kaga and Paoua.
Malnutrition prevention (Activity 3): Under this programme, WFP aims to prevent stunting through active screening, provision of specialized nutritious foods, and nutritional education activities. In November, WFP reached 4,685 PBWGs and children aged 6-23 months (2,092 PBWGs and 2,593 children) with 46 mt of nutritious foods.
Home-grown school feeding (Activity 4): school feeding activities reached 146,099 school children in 300 schools across the country, with a total of 264 mt of food distributed. The school children assisted accounted for 80 percent of the planned beneficiaries mainly due to insufficient resources and access issues due to poor road condition.
Livelihood support and resilience building (Activity 5): In November, 6,062 people from Lim-pende prefecture in Paoua commune, who were participating in community resilience building, received 22 mt of food and USD 74,135 in cash-based transfers. The activities focused on the development of drying areas, preparation of gardening sites, and harvesting. In addition, WFP contributed to capacity building of government NGO partners on the resilience/Food-for-assets approach.
Humanitarian air service (Activity 7): The UN Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) using Bangui as hub serves 25 regular destinations with 11 ad hoc destinations ensuring humanitarian partners access to hard-to-reach destinations. In November 2024, UNHAS transported 1,567 passengers and 14.1 metric tons of light cargo to 23 regular destinations. In addition, UNHAS operated two MEDEVAC flights for WFP from BAMBARI to BANGUI and from BANGUI to DOUALA. UNHAS operated aerial assessments flights to BAYANGA but the airfield was deemed unsuitable for operations.
Logistics cluster (Activity 9): In November, the logistics cluster organized an emergency cargo flight to Bangassou to deliver 5 mt of lifesaving of food assistance as this region is inaccessible by road during the current rainy season.
In-country supply chain support (Activity 10): In November 2024, WFP delivered 47 mt of health products for Malaria, HIV, Tuberculosis, and laboratory equipment, worth USD 2.4 million to 595 health facilities in Nola,
Boda, Sibut, Ndjoukou, Bangui, etc. WFP also provided the Ministry of Health storage services of 270 mt of health products valued at USD 17.3 million.