The United Nations Security Council extended the mandate of the UN peacekeeping mission, the Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission (MINUSCA), in the CAR until 15 November 2018. The mission's troop level was increased by 900 military personnel.
The Council reiterated its serious concerns over the "dire humanitarian situation" in the country because of the deteriorating security situation, and the lack of access for and attacks against relief workers.
20,000 IDPs that had settled in an impromptu camp formed around the UN peacekeeping mission base in Kaga Bandoro, were assisted by IOM to relocate in an operation that began 12 October and continued through November. The camp had formed after ex-Séléka members attacked an IDP camp in Kaga Bandoro in 2016. Close to 700 IDP households had been living in unsafe areas around the airstrip and fuel depot.
Tensions renewed in Bangui after a grenade exploded Saturday 11 November. More incidents followed on Sunday with a toll of eight dead and 20 wounded. The explosion happened at a concert preaching peace and reconciliation between two rival districts.
Situation in Numbers
1.2 million Children in need (2017 Humanitarian Response Plan)
2.4 million People affected (2017 Humanitarian Response Plan)
601,642 Internally displaced persons (UNHCR, 31 Oct 2017)
538,432 Refugees in neighbouring countries (Chad, Cameroon, DRC, Congo) (UNHCR, 31 Oct 2017)
Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs
The explosion of violence of the last spring in the South Eastern part of the country (Bangassou, Zémio) has continued to spread into the Center East during November. For example, on the axis Dimbi-Kembe-Pompolo, over 17,000 new displaced persons were identified following rumours and then fighting between armed groups. This axis is a corner stone for humanitarian access to the East of the country and only a few local NGOs are now able to intervene with MINUSCA Force protection.
In Bria (North East), the security situation is remains worrying. The confrontations between armed groups have caused populations to be displaced repeatedly. The displaced children and families in the PK3 Bria IDP site increased by 24 per cent between September and November (26,747 to 35,499) resulting in an estimated total of about 60,000 IDPs in Bria.
In the Western region, the sub-prefectures of Bocaranga, Koui and Ngaoudaye have been affected by several peaks of violence forcing the population to be displaced several times since the beginning of 2017. The humanitarian partners in the area have been forced to suspend their activities several times, particularly in Bocaranga, at the end of September. Following a military MINUSCA intervention at the end of October in the area, approximately 15,000 previously displaced persons spontaneously returned to Bocaranga throughout the month of November. Humanitarian partners began resuming activities in the area early in November.