UNHCR facilitated the participation of Central African refugees hosted in Chad, Cameroon and the Republic of Congo in the constitutional referendum and presidential elections that took place in December.
Out of 54,264 refugees who registered for the vote in the three countries of asylum, almost 61 per cent cast their vote with no major security incident reported.
In the Central African Republic (CAR), persistent localised clashes and the prevailing insecurity countrywide triggered additional population displacement. At the same time, recurrent attacks on humanitarian organisations and convoys continued to impede access to affected areas inside the CAR and contributed to slowing down the humanitarian response.
Humanitarian needs for the CAR situation continued to surpass available resources, directly impacting UNHCR’s ability to provide protection and assistance to displaced populations.
Central African refugees in
Cameroon, Chad, DRC and Congo
Refugees and asylum seekers in
Central African Republic
IDPs in the capital Bangui
CAR: Continue to provide protection and assistance to displaced populations; ensure protection monitoring in accessible areas.
Cameroon: Strengthen the WASH response in all refugee sites.
Chad: Strengthen community based protection, particularly for persons with specific needs.
DRC: Address the needs of newly arrived refugees, especially in the area of shelter.
RoC: Ensure registration and documentation of all CAR refugees.